"Paisley Says"

I love this 3.5 year old.
She seriously makes me laugh and smile so much when I watch her.
I think it helps that she can't say her "s" "c/k" and "r" sounds all the time.
It makes listening to her even cuter.
She talks with such conviction and honesty that it is pretty impossible not to be sucked into her comments.

here are a few of yesterday's funny, innocent, honest comments:

1. Before going to bed she likes me to tickle her feet and knee pit. so i do. she says to me "why do you have stripes on your head?" while pointing to my forehead.
C: "b/c I am old." 
P: "why are you old"
C: "because i grew up"
P: "why did you grow up"
C: "because I was born and was a baby 28 years ago and now I am older"

P: "my hair is getting so long. why does it grow?"
C: "because everything starts out little and when you get older your hair grows just like your body gets bigger"
P: "why was my hair itty bitty as a baby?"
C: "because we all start out with everything pretty little"

Can You Tell She is Three???? 

2. I brought her an Easter card and gift that thanked her for being such a good girl. She excitedly opened her present (a stuffed bunny in a purse-like basket) and said:
"Thank you so much for getting me this present Miss Tawen. This bunny is soo Tyute! I am going to call her a girl name. I'm going to name her Shakespeare-bunny." (Keep in mind her dog is named Shakespeare, but she refers to him as "Shakespeare-dog"

3. We were writing in her new diary (well I was writing and she was telling me what to write) and we came across a sticker that read "crush"
Paisley asked what a crush was and I did my best to reply
"When you like a boy and when you want him to like you back"
She then announced: "A Crush is when you are dating someone."
"I am dating William and Glenn."

She really is a keeper and keeps me on my toes when i watch her.


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