the sober one + nugget's 1st wedding weekend.

not that i spend my time getting "trashed" every weekend, but this past weekend a friend of mine got married and naturally, due to my current state of no drinking i was the dd. the whole mf crew and mf-husbands (note: i am not going to share what mf stands for since it's not technically pc, but note that it does not stand for the mother of all cusswords...) traveled to new philly, ohio to celebrate jenn+dave! we had a great time and learned how much that Sheetz was a winner.

Sheetz! aka everyone's favorite hang out. a true life saver.

since it was nugget's first road trip i wanted to be prepared for the 4 hour ride + hotel eatings. apparently i was a little nervous i would starve, but we ended up being all ok.
thanks for saving the majority of naus until after the wedding weekend. 
don't worry nugget, moma's always prepared.

not to toot my own horn, but i will. 
i stayed up/out like the best of them. for every beer or wine that was sipped i had a water and it actually felt refreshing to be so hydrated. when all of my best girlfriends decided to jump into the hotel pool in bras and undies i went along with them. it was actually so much fun and without a lick of alcohol.

i had to crop most of the inappropriate-ness out, but you get the idear.

the aftermath.

the groom re-thinking marrying into the mf.

a shot to the bride and groom on wedding eve by the whole hotel bar. 

john + i all dappered up for the festivities.
please excuse my poor photoshop. lack of time and didn't know the "feather" was on ooops.

coming soon: picture of whole mf.
here is the mf.
auntie frank is the bride. you have so many adoring aunties already! some of them are talking to you and im not sure what they have whispered yet. 
i have an inkling it is in regard to being your favorite auntie.
...and the competition begins.

the lovely brideski, auntie frank!
couldn't be happier for you, jenns marta frankovich.


Unknown said…
I'll never tell you what I whispered!!! :) That's between me and nuggs!

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