please join the prayer train

please pray for Ali.

 *photo by loft3pd
(aka my photographer lol)

Ali is 30 years old with an 8m old daughter.
she's the sister of long time friend, Melanie, 
or sometimes referenced as "my photographer" 
if i'm not sure you know who i am talking about...
(as if I have my own personal photographer that follows me 

Ali has a very rare, soft tissue cancer similar to sarcoma. 
this type hides in your muscles, bones, tissues...
and goes undetected by scans.
B/c her cancer is so rare she has limited treatment options.
she has seen a specialist and started her chemo about a week ago.

So many people are praying for Ali already, but the more we have on the train- the better.
I spent a lot of time with the Tracy family in my high school years- 
they were always willing to lend a hand to those in need 
so please join and give the favor back.

I can't imagine if this were my sister or family member 
and to have something like this happen as fast as it did is crazy to think about.
I am rooting for you Ali and sending you all the +++++++ energy I can.

This Friday there is a benefit for Ali in Newport - 
check out the below poster
and come one, come all....

TO read a more detailed version and updates on Ali's story 
see Mel and her husband Adam's blog.


Anonymous said…
thanks you. you are very sweet. all the prayers we can get matter...and they are working, i know it!
Lea said…
Tracy's get all the prayers we can muster. Ali is a trooper.

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