an e-versary.

...a truck down memory lane and re-hashing a great memory.

2 years ago today, john surprised me multiple times in one day.
one of them being a proposal to be his wifey.
i obviously said yes.

i just re-read my massive email about our engagement festivities
and thought I would do an updated post on the event.

on May 16, 2009 I had plans to meet my friend Jessie in Central Park 
a walk
and pictures.
i was less than a month away from moving home so we wanted to take advantage of NYC and time together.

running late gives me anxiety, but it happens all too frequently.
it was a rainy morning which pushed back my jog and pushed back our meeting.
(luckily "she" was running late too).

When I got to our meeting spot I called Jessie.

C: "Hiiii Where are you?"  
J:  I am right by the fountain don't you see me?  
I say no and try to search harder.  Lots of people are around, however I usually can spot Ms. Coleman.  
J:  Wait I see you... don't move! ....and hangs up.
So i legit stop cold in my tracks only to have my phone ring again.
it's John.
I just talked to him 15 minutes ago so this is odd.
While we are talking I see a figure move across the fountain that looks like him.
"Are you in New York?" I exclaim.
cliche' like the movies:
we lock eyes and i pretty much get to him as fast as i can 
without spilling my tall, soy white chocolate mocha all over us.

I congratulate him on his sneak-isms and he said
"that's not the only surprise" as we sit by the fountain.
He fuddles in his pocket 
(and by this time I am thinking holy shit, i am going to be a fiance in a minute!)
and asks me to marry him.

and now it's our history.
after excitedly saying yes (actually it was an "Absolutely" answer)
and smooching and telling him he did a good job he said 
"Hey, someone is taking our picture"
eh... it's NYC so i figured some tourist spotted the engagement and wanted to be a tourist.
i look up and what to my wandering eyes did appear:
the future best woman and man of honor were right in sight, very clear!

i think i tackled them since my mocha was finished and i couldn't believe it.
they were snapping photos the whole time.
sneak #2.

John made reservations at the Grand Hyatt in midtown NYC 
and my sister and brother in law stayed in my apartment 
(sorry for the lack of groceries and cleanliness...i was caught off guard).

The 4 of us had dinner at Gemma, (tasty Italian food of course!)

Jessie texts me after dinner about showing the girls and her the ring.
I throw out the idea and John said he wanted to thank Jess for her all her help.
I won't argue as I was on cloud nine.
They happen to be at Caitlin's apartment, near where we had dinner.
oh so sneaky again...

The 4 of us arrive at Cait's place to be greeted by 30 or so people yelling Congratulations!
I shouted "OH MY CHRIST" and dropped to my knees.

Never in a million years did I expect all these people in one room.
Red faced and speechless.
I not only saw our New York crew and planners, but college friends flew in town,
my cousin who went to NYU, Kathy and a friend from home, Jessie hunted down coworkers 
and friends I re-connected with when they also moved to NYC.
it was pretty incredible.

Just re-living that day I recall how blessed i am and how much fun we had.
thank you for ALL who planned that event.
thank you for for keeping it from me for months!!!
i STILL can't believe that!

freshman year roomie, Jessica and event planner.
a great help to John since he wasn't in town.

some of the nyc crew and college crew.

some cincnnatians made an appearance.

most people don't celebrate e-versaries.
we don't really either, but i won't forget this date...
and i thought it was worth re-living for a moment.

and i'm not going to lie-
this also made me "home sick" for the apple.
maybe soon?


ma mom said…
That was one SURPRISE(S)!
I am not much of a surprise planner so that gets A+.
I can't beleive all that has happened since then. Life is a whirlwind!

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