a first father's day wish...

dear daddy,
thanks for taking such good care of moma.
i know she complains sometimes 
and requires more back rubs so thank you for your patience.
(but all and all, daddy, 
she really doesn't complain too much, right?!)
i am sorry she goes to bed so much earlier now. i need to grow so you can hold me in a few short months! i am also easing you into the lovely life of less sleep. 
i promise i'll try not to be too hard on you and moma.

i am so excited to meet you dad and have you hold me, and rock me and tell me cheesy dad jokes with uncle bry 
and ride around in mini vans.
you've already taken to making sure i get the best care i need 
while growing in mom so i know you are going to be the bestest daddy ever!

see you in november (on my terms).
little miss or mister (or llama?)

photo credit loft3pd

i can't wait to see you with our child.
i can't wait to see the look on your face when you two meet.
 i have every confidence in your caring for the little one when they decide to say hello.
i loved the look on your face when i told you i was pregnant.
you looked like a little boy on christmas, but tried not to show it.
little egg is so lucky to have a thoughtful (see e-versary post), 
well-rounded, loving, silly daddy.

i love you and so happy to share this journey with you.
h. 1st f. d. 2 u.


ma mom said…
You are the man.
Thanks for taking care of our doll baby. Or as grandma minniti says "She will get after you."

You are going to be an awesome dad. I can tell because you are an awesome son that loves and respects his parents.

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