nugget notes.

another appointment come and gone.
nothing out of the ordinary, but i love getting you all checked out.

today's bpm is 148.
you must be growing like a weed (er, human) 
since sora could actually hear with the fetoscope
last month she still was using the doppler.
my belly is measuring 29 cm, again right on target.

this excerpt is from babycenter which i also receive weekly.
 and i find it interesting:
"if people are telling you that you look smaller or bigger than you should at this point, 
remember that each woman grows — and shows — at her own rate. 
What's important is that you see your practitioner for regular visits 
so she can make sure your baby's growth is on track."
 ain't that the truth. i'm feeling pretty on target with you, 
but i feel as if some people think i should be larger.
well there is a time and place for that and for me i am hoping it to be in month 8 and 9.
that is plenty long to be larger.

you supposedly are about a 1 lb.
sora checked your positioning and you currently are head down
(i'd also like to request that you stay that way. or if you really need to turn just make sure you are nice and head down, for 35 weeks - ROA would be ideal
much appreciated for the both of us, ok? 
just looking out for everyone involved).

you also were chillin on the right side. 
very not surprising to me as often when i lay down i see my right side is a little larger.
ever so slight.
your movements are not just on the right tho.
way to not discriminate.

i'll keep doing what i'm doing if you keep doing what you are doing.


ma mom said…
Always love the updates. Doesn't average or right on key sound good.

Keep up the good work, more than half way past and each week I get more excited.

Love ya

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