OutKast anyone?

perhaps it's not appropriate to correlate this song with my little nugget bar
i can't help think of the refrain when you are doing your somersaults and such.
this song normally makes me think of college and night's worth of dancing at Tim's.
really, i don't even like to dance all that much.
i certainly danced to this number. 
and i certainly like when you dance.

in the words of OutKast:
i like the way you move.

you are so vibrant come 8:30/9 PM until well, i fall asleep.
sometimes i will stay awake with my hands on my bellie b.c. i am addicted to your movement.
i'm not sure if this is your most active time or the time when i am most present

occasionally in the afternoon after i eat lunch i feel you jiggle around some, 
but i have a feeling you are a nite owl.
reason number 2 you maybe could be a girl.
(reason #1 is your length)

tonite i couldn't stop laughing at you moving.
i finished dinner and you just were dancing away.
dancing so much i made daddy stop eating his salad and come feel your madd skills.
(i'm not quite sure where you got your rhythm from as daddy and i are not skilled dancers.)
(at all)
your moves are getting stronger and i love it.

it just makes me excited.
it's just so interesting to me that you have found yourself a little place to live in my bellie
and you are all cozied up and do your lil moves when you please.
chalk up another one of life's crazy ways.


ma mom said…
OH, the dancing babe with rhythm. Certainly not from me, but in the dark of a womb, or a shade drawn room, I can cranck it up.
How cool that babe flutters like the waves we saw in San Diego.
I want to feel your presence too, as I see you are in there pushing out mamma's belly, growing all the time.

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