Paisley Says

remember Paisely?
I got to see my little Paisley Grace today - such a treat!
She, like usual, graced me with some funny comments.

1.  Her mom was on a conference call so we were practicing our whispering.
I was sitting next to her working on a puzzle and she said
"It pells like Miss Taren in here"
I snicker and say "really, and what does Miss Taren smell like?"
Paisley replies with a pleased smile with a simple "you."

2.  While looking at my tummy she says
"Is that what I think it is in there?
a baby?"
"Why is your tummy getting so big?"
I tell her the baby is growing and that makes my belly grow.
She replies "How is the baby going to get out?"
I throw it back at her and say "How do you think the baby will exit?"
She comes up with "the baby probably will slip right out your belly button.
You don't have any other holes big enough"

3.  I also learned that little miss P told her new nanny that
her friend "Miss Taren is growing me a little sister in her tummy."

perhaps it is a little miss in there.
after all, Paisley has been right before.

but, 50/50 we shall see.
excited either way.

hope you enjoyed my newest excerpts. 
i only saw her for an hour, but an hour i will take!
coordinating schedules has become harder...


ma mom said…
I miss Miss Paisley expressions. I want to meet her.

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