that is what i picture you saying when we prod on you for a heart beat.
you certainly don't like to be messed with.
although i do hope you snuggle with me.
but, if you like to be independent than so be it.

sora checked you out today and we are measuring 27.5 cm 
right on par.
(so my last 29 cm reading i must have mis-read a number b/c 
i KNOW you aren't decreasing in size. this i know.)
forgive me.

it took a while to get your heartbeat little stubborn soul.
we tried the fetoscope and well, your position wasn't making listening easy.
then even with the doppler, handheld you would squirm away telling us to mind our bizz.
sora got easy, quick reads from your cord beat, but we both wanted to hear your heart.
can you blame us?
we are going to be checking your rhythm every other week now so hopefully you 
cooperate a little better and we can just do it quick and not bother you too long.

you are right about 144 bpm. 
i asked sora about your rate decreasing in steady increments 
(not out of concern, but curiosity) 
and the bigger you get it's normal to have a slower beat -
more blood to move or something like that...

i had my first cramp while running yesterday.
i ran at a different time and i think i was less hydrated than after 
a full day of drinking 100 oz of h20.
it was a little irritating.
normally i would have ran through it, but since i know you are in there
i stopped.
did a flat footed squat stretch 
and sort of speed - walked the rest of the way home since crampie would 
return every time i tried to jog.

you are still loving yoga with me.
we go every tuesday evening and you get to see melanie's (my photographer) son 
who we lovingly call "turtle"
mel and i usually are next to each other and chat/giggle about what we can't do
or our latest increase in underwear size 
or make sure we are doing the alternate poses correctly.

if it doesn't rain we will go to the last outdoor clifton class this weekend.
and i *might* treat myself to my 6th latte in pregnancy after.
aquarious star makes a killer mocha om.
what an appropriate drink to go with our yoga.

pawpaw is working on our master bedroom closet 
(will post the progress on that as we get closer.)
to make room for your items so i won't have to wake you or go to another room to dress.
i'm sure we will be in your room enough.
you don't need me dressing in there!

time is going so fast for me.
there's still a little under 3.5m or so, 
but seriously i feel like there is always something to do.


mel said…
lets hope we dont have that convo on increasing size anymore. yuck. but unfortunately we have a lot of weeks ahead. the real gaining time. sighhhh
ma mom said…
Well, I didn't want to alarm you lat time, but 29 cm sounded large. Now 27.5 is more like it.

Take care of yourself which basically means listen to your body.

I get my blood results next week and expect I will be encouraged to even exercise more and eat better.

Can't wait to see my little one!

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