Things I Like [Lauren]

I have dabbled in numerous blogs.
Some I follow religiously, others here and there and others for a day and then I forget.
Somewhere along the way I know I read a blog with a similar posting section such as this.
I am not sure what blog it's from, when I read it or what the exact categories are, 
but I wanted to note that I was inspired by whatever blog that was...
imitation is a form of flattery and in the blogosphere it is so easy to become inspired.

I wanted to have some guests post on the blog to change it up.
I like sharing my simple 'likes' and 'dislikes' 
but thought it would be nice to add some spice from others - 
adding a collection of likes (or dislikes...)

This particular 'Things I Like' post comes to us from Lauren.
Lauren has a little blog she calls Batman Martin
(better known as her son, see pic below)
She may not post super frequently, but when she does prepare to be entertained-
as she writes with quite the witty tone.
Lauren is so stinking organized and on her game. She makes me look bad.
It's no surprise she was the first person to submit her 'likes'!!

Thanks for sharing your Likes, Lauren!

Dimples. Especially this guy's.

My coupon organizer. It makes life easy.
And yes, it is organized to the store we frequent most.

Love. love.

I am counting down the days until London 2012 
and I am seriously trying to get to Rio de Janerio for 2016.
In fact, I should probably mark myself absent on my work calendar now.

My nursing cover.
I bought this thing as an act of desperation. I cannot believe that I paid $35 for it when the majority of my mama friends got theirs for free or less than $10.
Now, as my nursing days are drawing to a close, 
I cannot bring myself to remove this from my purse.
It's my security blanket. A reminder of the special bond I have with my son.
And it protected all of me from the rest of the world's eyes for a year.

*If you'd like to submit your own 'Things I Like' or 'Things I Dont Like
please contact
...and you don't have to know me or have a blog to contribute...
all are welcome*


Annie said…
ma mom said…
well done.
And how wonderful dimples are. He is and will be one knock out.

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