uninvited guests.

i'd be pretty naive to think my pregnancy and body would just be the way 
i wanted the whole way through.
all and all it's been a smooth ride.
all the normal stuff in the beginning and now we've been in a groove for some time and we are getting into the getting even larger stage for Tri III-
and that is all fine and good.
i am satisfied with where i am at - where we are going and how we are getting there.

i do have to say over the last week or so i have noticed some uninvited guests.
i am pretty in tune with my body and 
i tend to inspect it a lot more now that i am ever changing.
not in a vain way, but in a curious, what is going on and what is new today sort of way.
lately i have noticed a little of this on my thighs

and a little extra of this on my arms

not to be misunderstood.
im not complaining-
just voicing and documenting things in pregnancy and when they happen for me.

ive been very lucky so far.
i exercise regularly
i still eat healthy
minus a few minis of dark chocolate from my bosses office
 or occasional summer ice cream
so uh, my body just needs to do what it needs to do & 
i must surrender as i am doing all i can on my end.

john's great at being honest and supportive through all the bodily changes.
i think he knows that sometimes i need to just speak about them and say things out loud.

we were sitting at a wedding reception last week and it was in a dance studio
(aka mirrors everywhere) and so i caught glimpses of myself all over the place. 
i asked him if my arms increased in size (bc well, to my eyes they have a little)
and he tells me honestly, but gently.
i appreciate that. 
i'd rather have him let me know i'm not seeing things and making things up.
he encourages me to keep doing what i am doing as long as i want to 
and reminds me it may be more harmful 
to try to lose certain areas than let it be for the time being.
he is also good at reminding me that i can lose the uninvited guests later bc exercise is a part of our lives and we both want it to continue to be even with a new addition.

just the words i need.

so although the guests are uninvited, i am going to let them stay around until the 
end of 2011.
then i shall kick them to the curb as they will have overstayed their welcome.

photos via google


mel said…
though some people are VERY lucky, i feel like theres some sort of 'switch' flipped during pregnancy. no matter how much i exercise or eat healthy, i still turned "soft". lol. all moms do. even the biatches who get skinny fast are still 'soft.' it just happens, something hormonal? idk. annoying. for some reason i gain weight in my face first. hello dbl chin and wide nose. you are not welcome here.
speaking of..think im ready to go back up a size in my undies, starting to pick too many wedges.
Caren said…
ummmm, yea just bought 5 new pair of undies and a new bra sz this weekend. who'da thought it'd be so pricey. do i ever get my old butt back for my old undies? now that is the question. OR better yet, dear god is this the beginning of a "mom butt" ????

haha glad to know it's everyone. i figured my body will never be quite the same. i mean with all that stretching... how could it right?! still have high motivation for post partum tho.

and thankful for yoga.
Beth said…
I promise it comes off faster and easier than it comes on! I swear! There isn't a lot of "sitting" that comes with kids. I thought I'd have to wear maternity pants the rest of my life...and am in better shape now than prepregnancy thanks to the wonders of "up, down, up, down" with kids!
ma mom said…
You are so funny. Still noticing the little details like specks of purple in irises and fur on your arms. Watching a body change is part of appreiating pregnancy's wonder.
Good luck on the other side too.

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