dear first time mamas...

i tweet.
and i follow tweets.
a lot of people do.

with a strong interest in birth work i happen to follow doulas.
a few weeks ago i was drawn to a shower of tweets by @Preparing4Birth a doula in Colorado.
I thought her series of tweets were pretty powerful and share-worthy. These are written to 1st time mamas, BUT i don't think they should be limited to just the 1st timers as 2nd timers may want a different experience or approach. 
...Or to educate themselves a little further.
even if not interested in a natural or unmedicated childbirth - i believe these still apply to figure out what works for you and your partner to acheive your wants and needs in child birth.

Dear 1st time mamas: Your labor & birth become part of your history, legacy - of your family - What do you want to leave in that chain?
Dear 1st time mamas: You can make informed decisions. You can be the driver. Be strong.

Dear 1st time mamas: A healthy & good birth experience is more than you & baby being alive.

Dear 1st time mamas: Being a good patient may not rock the boat, but it can buy you  path you never bargained for.

Dear 1st time mamas: Using labor & childbirth practices that lessen cesarean can be vital to your future birth options.

Dear 1st time mamas: I am so excited for this journey you are on. Be bold, brave & self aware.

Dear 1st time mamas: Find women who have had the birth you want. Talk to them. Get their advice.

Dear 1st time mamas: You are more than a pregnant uterus. You matter. Your baby matters. Neither is mutually exclusive. 

Dear 1st time mamas: You are a whole person w/ needs, feelings, desires, thoughts. Your provider & birth location should agree. 

Dear 1st time mamas: Please refrain from the dramatized birthing shows. They can be harmful to your own upcoming childbirth.

Dear 1st time mamas: Hospital practices and protocols are NOT laws. Find a birth location that is flexible to individualized care.

Dear 1st time mamas: ALWAYS get a second opinion before agreeing to an induction or major abdominal surgery ALWAYS. 

Dear 1st time mamas: Cytotec is not the ONLY ripener prior to a medically necessary induction. Prepadil, cervadil & foley catheter are available & safer.

Dear 1st time mamas: if your provider has an episiotomy rate that is not under 1% it is too high. Red Flag.

Dear 1st time mamas: You are NOT a ticking time bomb or a hazard to your unborn baby because you go past 40 weeks.

Dear 1st time mamas: If something feels wrong to you - don't do it. If something sits well with you do it. Trust yourself. 

Dear 1st time mamas: A "birth plan"  is a great communication tool. It is not a legal document.

Dear 1st time mamas: If you are scared to birth in the hospital or hate them. Find an alternative. 

Dear 1st time mamas: Your  is a good time to start setting parenting boundaries.

Dear 1st time mamas: Attending a  class and some sort of peer group PRIOR to  is important.

Dear 1st time mamas: Investing in a comprehensive perinatal (late pregnancy through postpartum w/ labor prep) class is worth your time/money.
Dear 1st time mamas: Hire a doula especially if you are birthing in the hospital. It is SO worth your money.

Dear 1st time mamas: If it matters to you IT MATTERS. 'nuf said. 

Dear 1st time mamas: BRAINED - benefits, risks, apply to me, intuition, nothing or not now or next if doesn't work, emergent?, decision.

Dear 1st time mamas: Just because something is offered to you does not mean it is an order, necessary or reasonable. Use your BRAINED.

Dear 1st time mamas: Anything routine IS NOT individualized care. Find out what standing orders your provider has at hospital.

Dear 1st time mamas: If your provider has a cesarean rate under 20%, preferable 15% or less for all types of patients,This is good for you. 

Dear 1st time mamas: if your provider has an induction rate above 15% be VERY VERY cautious.

Dear 1st time mamas: Your breasts are quite sufficient to feed your baby. Watch out for booby traps.

Dear 1st time mamas: Average spontaneous birth date is 41 weeks and 1 or 2 days.

Dear 1st time mamas: Early is not 39 weeks 6 days. late is not 40 weeks 1 day. Full term spans FIVE weeks. Let baby choose. 

Dear 1st time mamas: Induction IS NOT easy, the same as spontaneous labor. Increases medication use, interventions, cesareans.

Dear 1st time mamas: Letting baby choose his/her birthday can make the difference between a vaginal birth & a cesarean.
Dear 1st time mama: Nutrition is so key to your health and the health of your growing baby.

Dear 1st time mamas: Surround yourself w/ those who trust your instincts, trust your body, encourage your path.

Dear 1st time mamas: Anyone who tries to scare you, doubts you, makes you feel badly for what you want is no friend you need. 

Dear 1st time mamas: Your provider can make THE difference in how your labor, birth will go. Hire ONLY who is right for you.

Dear 1st time mamas: You CAN birth. You are able. You belong in the women of a thousand generations. 

Dear 1st time mamas: If you want a home/freestanding birth center birth. GO FOR IT. Don't let others hold you back.

Dear 1st time mamas: Hire the provider that LISTENS, takes time to respond , offers respectful individualized care.

Dear 1st time mamas: Listen to your gut instinct not to fearful tactics or speech by others.

Dear 1st time mama: reinterview your provider. Hire someone else if needed. 

Dear 1st time mamas: I urge you to go for the birth you want THIS pregnancy. Do not wait to see how this one goes. You do not need to have the average experience. You can have excellent. childbirth.

Dear 1st time mamas: You can wear your own clothing in labor and birth.

Dear 1st time mamas: Keep your panties on if you do not want a vaginal exam in late pregnancy. 

Dear 1st time mamas: No type of induction natural or medical will work if you are not ready to have your baby.

Dear Ist time mamas: A vaginal exam in pregnancy will not tell you when you are going into labor.

Dear 1st time mamas: Enjoy this process above all. You are making a brand new human being.

Dear 1st time mamas: Believe in your ability.

Dear 1st time mamas: A pelvic exam in pregnancy CANNOT determine the need for a cesarean. 

Dear 1st time mamas: W/O a previous pelvic injury, or specific malformity there is NO WAY to legitimately say you will need a cesarean w/o labor & pushing.

Dear 1st time mamas: If your "medically necessary" induction is scheduled a week away - It is NOT necessary.

Dear 1st time mamas: Prior to national holidays especially Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years inductions sky rocket so do cesareans. 

Dear 1st time mamas: Friday evenings are the highest cesarean nights of the week.

Dear 1st time mamas: I encourage you to being open and accepting of what is to come. 

Dear 1st time mamas: You are not your sister, mama, friend, neighbor. You are YOU.

Dear 1st time mamas: Welcome to the infinite chain of birthing women from the beginning of time. We are glad to have you. 



kate said…
I have to say this:
I did a lot of blogging prior to Monster's birth regarding the birth process, my thoughts, fears, hopes, dreams ...
More than one person told me that "it's just one day that you won't remember much after it's over."
totally untrue.
I remember all of it and I cherish every minute. I am so glad I made the decision to go to a birth center, where I had control over everything: when I pushed, what position I was in, what I ate/drank, etc. I know had I been in a hospital and labored for as long as I did with a posterior baby, I would not have ended up with the beautiful, natural birth that I was blessed to have.
Keep on rockin, mama!

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