in my early 30's.

can you believe we are in our early 30's together little one?
well, uh, i can't.

we've got some updates on you, but we aren't getting all crazy
as these aren't too different from the last time.
measuring 32 cm again.
(i know, odd since you were about 32.5 cm last time)
we believe since you changed positions again that affected the measurements
and i am seeing m.wife every other week now so you may not have grown as much
in 2 weeks than you normally do in about 4.
so there.

you move all the flippin time so who knows how you will end up.
right now - ROT - otherwise known as Right Occiput Transverse.
we have plenty of time to get you in a more optimal position.
this one isn't fabulous or horrible since you still are cooking
this lovely little position you are currently hanging in can lead to
long and more painful labor.
do you reaaaaaaaally want that now?
didn't think so.
pelvic tilts, standing and swaying and lunging are supposed to ease you into a better position.
perhaps i will integrate that in to my days
but uh, you may very well not stay like that.

i have been wondering tho.
wondering that due to my pregnancy being so "uneventful"
(in a good way of course... no issues and the like)
that my labor and your birth may make up for it.
does life work like that? hopefully that's not the case.
but, birth and birth work is unpredictable.
all you and i can do is stay healthy and work on the things we have control over.

you are still around 144 bpm.
steady little sucker, you are.

i did have some glucose on my pee stick, but not to be alarmed.
she did a finger prick and i was 110 which is completely in range.
i explained what i ate and those organic honey cheerios we both like...
yea, well i have to try to cut those. sorry.
apparently honey goes straight to your blood so we shall hiatus on that.
it was first thing so i hadn't even finished a water bottle yet.

i'm feeling more worn down, but not unbearable
and NOT like TRI I. that first trimester was draining.
this is more of a need to climb in bed earlier and feeling the weight of you growing.

my hips really hurt while sleeping - aka i wake up bc they feel sore. 
 that body pillow i registered for:
i am going to get regardless if it doesn't show up on saturday.
end of story.

besides the hip pain you really are good to me.
i dont want to complain much anyway bc does it really help?
no. duh. just adds to the fire. so i opt not to.
you move all the time.
so much where it's actually a routine part of the day.
so much where i wish i could sit back and enjoy it more instead of working
or doing the day to day grind.

we haven't officially met, but the more you move
the more i love you and can't believe one day  you won't be in there moving
but out in our arms and i will legit look at your face.
it all sounds so surreal.

one great aspect of being pregnant is how strangers treat us.
always small talk.
boy or girl? baby.
when are you due? end of november-ish.
how are you feeling? can't complain.
people (at least appear to) show an interest.
we talk about their kids in clinic
and they wish me well.
i receive more smiles.
more doors are held.
more chairs given up.
(although i opt not to take them since i sit most of the day).
i get apologies to the baby when the pumpkin latte machine is down.
(not a little pumpkin needs it anyway...)
i just have to admit... there are some perks!

we have another check next week w doc and a check with mwife the week after.'t.even.born.


Aunt Sandy said…
Being on the West Coast, I'm missing your pregnancy completely (other than July) and am not very happy about that. So taking some quiet Sunday afternoon time to catch up via your writings. Glad to hear all's well and good vibes for the birth!

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