saucy little pocket.

i had the pleasure of spending the morning with pockets 
and it was time for my (our) lunch.

i wish i could have recorded what happened when i got 
dad's famous sauce
from the fridge.

i located a small container of left overs.
pockets spotted it and said "pawpaw"
she knows that her pawpaw makes the best pasta sauce 
and now equates his name with the food.

while warming it up she repeatedly said 
"dat. dat. dat. dat. dat." 
and pointed to the stove where the sauce was located. 
there was no doubt that she wanted "that"

she ate all morning so i didn't think she would eat that much.

before sauce and pasta she had
yogurt, grapes, puffs and crackers.
pockets proved me wrong... i shared my lunch.
and it was a pleasure.

i threw a bib on her 
(thanks to all the baby gear we have here)
sat her on my lap
and the 2 of us went to town.
i haven't seen an 18 month old eat so ferociously before.
when it was gone she was in disbelief.

a satisfied face.


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