guessing game [answers]

i thought i'd have all the time in the world to post these answers before her birth.

below are the fun facts about john and i when younger.
(in no particular order)

i posted these a while ago and here, FINALLY, are the answers.
hope you did well.

1. After a fight with my sister I decided it would be nice to rip off the head of her favorite barbie doll.

2. Empty yogurt cups (cleaned out of course) were my favorite blocks.

3. Growing up our "night games" were kick the can and cops and robbers.

4. As a baby loved to play with all the pots and pans in the kitchen.

5. A favorite saying around age 7: "I am going to try not to get married."

6. Voted best smile as my superlative in high school.

7. In middle school my morning routine before school involved my dad pretending it was cafeteria style for my sister and me.

8. One of my many jobs: delivery of the weekly press.

9. Before I had teeth, my dad gave me a whole apple to eat in my high chair.

10. My sister was the first to make me laugh.

11. When I first learned to ride my bike, I rode down the hill in front of the house without using brakes into a tree.

12. During a 5th grade basketball game, I was fouled out and stormed off the court, slammed my hand against the wall and left the gym.

13. I tried to steer clear of my dad's "claw" that tickled me.

14. Cops were called b.c I went "missing" - I was at the neighbors the whole time and TOLD my parents.

15. Slept in the hallway outside my bedroom at our new house to avoid the ghosts that were in the cracks in the ceiling.

16. I spray painted the school sign and chased by the cops with my best friend.


ma mom said…
Ok, we screwed up a few times as parents, but you turned out okay.

John, you still have a great smile; I guess you broke Caren down and got her to rethink her "I will not get married" statement.
Mel said…
Ha! I enjoyed imagining lil brenny and John do these things. Made me chuckle as I imagined a bowl hair cut Brenda have anger management issues in 5th grade.
And imagining a baby stare at an apple. Funny stuff.

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