happy 3 weeks my little pickle.

as much as i love the weeks going by and you growing 
more and more alert- 
i also hate it.
it means less time with you will be approaching soon.

i can't say you are so very much changed since 3 weeks ago,
but a person of your stature changes more rapidly than regular sized folks.

you still are sleeping what feels like, more in the day than at night,
but that might be because we are more tired at night.
you did do a 4 hour stint last night. thank you.
my boob did not thank you though.

you are a little ornery and you come by that honestly from yours truly.
you eat quickly, which i am very much thankful for, 
but sometimes you get so hungry and anxious about your food 
(thank dad for that one) that you head butt my boobs and like to bitch a little
when you can't latch right away (the bitching is from me, not dad though).

it seems like you have a lot of clothes, but you still don't fit into much.
i know you are gaining weight though. daddy and i feel you are heavier
and you are growing another chin, you b.feed, baby you.

we are so excited for you to respond to us more than reflexes.
your smile is certainly adorable and i pretend you mean to do it. 
you make lots of special noises, some sounding like a grandpa clearing his throat.
or you also do a random bird like cry out of the blue then go back to sleep.
dear lord, what are you "dreaming" about?!
i'm getting used to all your sounds, but still can't sleep unless 
i know you are sleeping comfortably. 
it is certainly true that the smallest peep wakes up a moma. 

i need to do better with the camera.
i was johnny on the spot with your cousins, taking pictures with
each and every relative, but with you i've slacked.
i'm sorry, but it must be something to do with the fact that i am 
a wee bit more tired than i was with your cousins.

someday i'll get your "newborn" pics... 
aka more like your 2-3 month shots at this rate.
the holidays aren't helping me get my act together though.
i promise i'll get better though and you will have cute pictures
and you will be able to look back and see that friends and family did hold you.

we had our first couple of outings together this week, just the 2 of us.
we went to the store and you cooperated in the mya wrap.
you slept through the city flea's holiday market too.
you certainly haven't made traveling too difficult.
i'm more the lame one that gets beat rather easily.

looking forward to more of getting to know you, miss stella. 

i promise i won't write to you every 2 weeks, just wanted to pop in and say hello.

moma llama


ma mom said…
Grand Lllama says you are the best little thing around. I love watching you change every time I see you. Last night I looked at moma llama pios and it brought back memories.

Your gurgling noises are so sweet- Just like a little tweet.
Mel said…
Grand llama and mama llama! Love it!!:)
More importantly I love how girlie she looks her. Go Stella! You rock that headband pretty girl!!
Anonymous said…
she seems perfect!!

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