it's a good thing i carried you for 9 months

because if i didn't i'd question whether you were mine.
i've actually said this to quite a few people lately, 
but it is true...

you are all your father's.
you have inherited daddy's:

daddy's bow legs
(you have a long torso, we aren't sure who that is from, but it's not me...)
the harrison cheeks

(more than likely i am forgetting something)

you *might* have the minniti nose.
i have my mom's nose, so even that isn't mine.
i think you have daddy's congestion though.

i surely don't need a little clone of myself,
but i do find it funny - 
aren't the chromosomes supposed to mix a little more equally?
apparently my traits aren't very dominant.

you even have your dad's sleeping habits.
your second wind at around 10pm and what seems to be fighting sleep
(although it's a little too early to tell, it sure seems like you do)

we don't know about your personality quite yet, 
so maybe you got some of that from me.
you are impatient, love your food, and don't do so hot if you don't get it right away
(these all could be moma or daddy though).
you are going to be a talker (we think) as you like to hear yourself make noises.
(i'd like to claim this one if you don't mind).

i think you will be active since your legs and arms go nonstop.
(i'd also like to claim this one).

even though you are a clone of your father,
"john, with a bow" as i referenced you the other day...

i know you'll grow up and be your own unique self all around.

none of this you look and act like so and so matters,
but it's fun for now to try to see what traits we passed on to you.

i love you, my little mister john clone.


Karianne said…
It's amazing how they change so much though! Liam started out look exactly like me when he was born and we put my newborn picture by his. After a little while he looked exactly like Sean's dad when he was a baby and now more people say he looks like me. There's still time for her to claim some of your beauty! Then again she's perfect just the way she is...which I am sure you know! Hope it's going great being a new mom!
Melanie said…
I've been hearing and seeing a lot lately how much little girls look more like their dads then moms. Bk5 is a clear testament, but as they grow you can see more of bk2.
Either way she's adorable sooooo at least you don't have to worry about that! Lol.
ma mom said…
Yes, I say she has a lot of Harrison in her - nice features - long limbs and nice round doll face, and who would have thought you would have a baby with hair. Love that button nose though and milky skin. Why can't we keep our baby skin?
Well, you were my wiggle worm -kicking inside, then you bacame a soccer mascot before kicking the soccer ball and then shooting hoops!
Little Mister John, I am going to stick with calling you, Stella Bella.
Your grandma

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