what i have learned my baby's first month

i have a guest post coming about lessons learned in a baby's first year and i started tracking what i was learning because every day seemed like a new lesson.
i'm certain this will grow.

i have learned:

1. how much more laundry a little makes (not including cloth diapers). 
our water bill coming must be astronomical.

2. it's not easy to be the same wife you once were while tending to a little. 
our love may be stronger, but it takes more effort.

3. projectile vomiting is common among ferocious eating newborns.

4. large breasts are completely overrated.

5. how much you will melt looking at your husband with his daughter.

6. i'm not sure i can fathom someone else taking care of my child even if it's family.

7. that cheering over and congratulating large burps is a common occurrence.

8. that my driving has tremendously improved (and everyone else has become worse).

9. how fast the days go by because 
a) we nap b) there is always something (everything) that needs to be done and c) because it seems like the everything that needs to be done never gets completed because we have to nap to survive the days.

10. to celebrate the small successes (getting to blow dry my hair, no milk splashes.)

11. how good it feels to walk in the cold alone for 20 minutes, 
even though i think about my kid the whole time i am gone.

13. there isn't just projectile vomiting- add projectile pooping to the list - for more info on dirty diaper levels check here.

14. if i didn't text myself reminders i wouldn't remember anything. 
i'm sure there is a "to do" list ap, but clearly you can see i haven't had time to look into that.

15. it's easier to keep my child fed and watered than it is myself.

16. no matter how drained or frustrated i become and how much she cries, screams or fusses
 i still have an unexplainable amount of love and adoration for my child.


what would you add?


Mel said…
17. Baby farts are amazingly hilarious and I can't get enough of them.
18. It's ok not to have a schedule. It's ok to hold your baby too much. It's ok to ignore everything other moms tell you "you HAVE to do."
19. Slinging your baby is the only way you can get things done.
20. It's totally normal to lay awake staring at your baby to ensure they're breathing.

You have 2apps on your phone that are a already installed. Notes and reminders. I use notes to track all the stats at the dr for both kids. Reminders is good for to do lists:)
Ma Mom said…
21. Your mom can't help because everything has changed.
22. Your mom helps you because she knows you have the answers in you when you can't find them all by yourself.

I am still learning from my children, so just think how smart you will be when Stella is 29.
Melanie said…
23. once you become a mother, you constantly feel guilty (often times when you really shouldn't too)

24. It's amazing you can have so much love for another human being and you don't think its possible to have any more love in your heart until....baby #2 arrives

25. No matter how stressful the day has been all it takes is one funny one liner from your child or a smile from your infant to make it all just melt away!
Caren said…
those certainly are all true :) thanks for adding.
Emily Lie said…
I will add some when i get there! LOVE this post!!! xx

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