a mother shares: this little place [guest post]

A huge thank you to Missis Worthington of this little place for agreeing to write this little ditty below -
I'm taking note of your motherly words of wisdom -
and i'm happy to report it was a november debut!!

Please drop by and pay a visit. I often live vicariously through her adorable family adventures, 
her stellar moma-style and bright photography.

It's so sweet to be saying hello to little nugget's friends and family! I was a turkey baby myself, so I'm definitely pullin' for a November debut! The story of me and nugget's momma is that we met through blogosphere/twitter land. I was charmed by her blog and the two of us have remained in touch ever since. So again, I am tickled to be here sharing a thought on my own adventure in mommahood. 

Miss E was born to my husband and I in March of 2010. Since that moment, the biggest change in me has been my ability to put myself second. I was kid once. I had my chance to be selfish, to be first in line, to shop for me and only me. =) My husband and I had our nights outs and mornings in. But becoming a mother marked the moment when I surrendered the number one spot in my life to another. It came time to pour myself into that little being that calls me," momma". And although there are days when I want to slip myself back into first place…I remember the joy it brings me to know that I have laid aside my whims and desires for my little E. And how much more rewarding it is to see the little sacrifices us mom's and dad's make turn into the betterment of our children. Of course, my husband and I never forgot to take care of ourselves! After all, keeping our minds and bodies strong and healthy makes us better parents. Also remembering to love and remain open minded toward one another creates the ideal atmosphere for an always watching and learning miss E. 

Sometimes the sacrifices come as a surprise and struggle and other days I am prepared and ready. Some days I cry…but more days I smile. It's all about growth. I had all the abilities to be a momma built-in to my body…but I have to learn every day how to use those tools to raise my daughter into one that is happy, thankful, level, curious, and brave. So here's to not being the perfect momma…but striving to stretch myself and learn and love with every ounce of my being. Good luck to our dear friend, Caren! For us mommas know the ups and down we all face, let us support and encourage one another. You know, it is our children that will one day hold this world in their own sweet hands. 


Anonymous said…
Beautiful, just beautiful! :) Best wishes to the Worthington's on learning, sharing, caring, believing in each other and raising a beautiful family!

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