over the river and thru the woods to ...

... not grandmother's house, but
to aunt taryn's house we go!

it was your first road trip and sleep over.
mark it and check it.

 little lamb was great in the car to columbus and cleveland.
 slept most or all of the way. jillian drove both ways to cleveland, she's such a peach.

we stayed with auntie jillie and uncle matt in columbus and they took such good care of us. you slept like a champ and it was so nice having a wife all weekend. my boss told me everyone needs a wife. it couldn't be more true. husbands are wonderful of course, but wife's, they just know what we need, when we need it. i have to give matt props for warming up the car, making brownies, rocking you while we were getting our stuff together or i had to shower. you were surely spoiled.

our MF crew. sorry didn't have time to photoshop mary in here. still making the reunions happen. 
(please excuse my shirt. it's not really cut like that, but stella is pulling it down.)

all the gals held miss you and you were doted on the whole time. (left) aunt jessie (right) aunt taryn.
taryn planned a whole agenda for the weekend and was the hostess of the mostestest. she had appetizers, coffee, wine, rooms all picked out and even kiddo books for you. 
check here for the complete low down of the MLK celebration!

happy camper before bed - saying goodnight to daddy via text message.
you were good as gold. very happy the travels went smooth and i was able to reconnect with some pals.


Aunt Sandy said…
Fun road trip with the little one!
Melanie said…
Last pic of Stella... Holy Josie!!! Adam thought it was Josie!
Unknown said…
Stella, You are the first baby to grace Reveley (and probably will be the only for a little bit)! It was so strange hearing baby cries in my house (one day you'll understand). Secretly, of course I loved it.

In the nursery that you are so fond of, I am painting a chalkboard wall! When you come back you can leave auntie taryn a beautiful drawing!

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