a so long to the thong.

dear collection of thongs,

this is a little over due.
i'm sorry to report that we won't be seeing each other any time soon, or ever for that matter.
you were there for me in all those tight pants, skinny jeans and of course numerous dresses i wore daily especially in new york.  you saved my ass (literally) of my underwear line being spotted.
i appreciate all the times we had. i was able to befriend so many of you due to my part time employment at victoria's secret, which quickly led to my addiction to buying matching panties 
(yes i did just type panties) and bras that, at the time, i thought were "oh so sexy."

but, old friend, times have changed and well, i apologize, but you and all your friends have been replaced. 

your services are no longer needed or appreciated thanks to pregnancy and after birth's gift of hemorrhoid flare ups, one of the things no one tells you as a mama.

i have new priorities now: like first and foremost: not subjecting my ass to flare ups, but also i don't have the time to choose a matching bra and pantie (thong) set like i used to. 
the sexy i am bringing back consists of:
my new collection of ever so comfy "boy shorts" and nursing tanks. 

you've had your time in the lime light, it's time to move on. 

maybe we will meet again some day. some day, in the not so near future, like when our kid(s) are grown (ok or at least in their own bed rooms?), but i may just cut the cord on our relationship for good. 
it may be the best decision for all parties.

so, mister thong set, so long for good or so long for now. 
best to you in your future in a brand new drawer (or maybe just a garbage can).

happy to be a previous owner


Mel said…
Lolol. This brought me back to just after I had nori. I posted something on fb like...the thought of ever wearing a thong again makes me want to hurl. I threw out mine, unless they were less than a yr old. Yuck.
Ma Mom said…
Welcome to Womanhood.

But find some nice alternatives - Soma - vanishing edge - (or a discounted version) cause ya want to feel pretty, but ya gotta be real.

Now I am more of a nude, black, white, blue for jeans and be bold with PINK kinda gal.

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