hurdles [mama in shape]

if you recall from last post
i said i would post on integrating your babes in working out.

it can be hard enough to get in shape.
and stay in shape.
but then having a baby
or maybe you have 2 babes,
point is it's hard to juggle it all.

i'm no pro, but i have put together my tips to 
staying in shape as a moma and getting over the hurdle 
of passing up work outs.


1. yoga. 
i am lucky enough where i can bring my baby to yoga. 
granted, our instructor holds birdie if she fusses where as before she would sleep thru it's entirety.
i know this won't last forever since she gets older and stronger each day.
perhaps there is a moma+me yoga class out there for you.

side note: please don't follow this pose though.
i am doing it incorrectly, but i was too nervous to do it right 
because i didn't want to fall off a cliff in the ocean.

2. ab works.
stella thinks it's hilarious to count sit ups with me.
i sit her on my tummy and hold her hands. 
it works my abs and my arms since they are typically up most of the time.
(this is pending your baby's disposition of course, but stella is usually in good spirits
and happy when i sit her here because she knows it's something funny)
you can also do leg lifts with baby in this position.

3. yoga dvd.
especially good for the winter months.
try this when the babes is tired or around nap time.
i only know from my own baby, but put the little in the swing
or even on a blanket on the floor with some toys.
yoga dvds usually play soft music or ocean waves in the background
letting baby drift off to sleep.
i may have to add a few pushes to the swing at the beginning, 
but no crazy interferences.

4. in house treadmill.
we inherited this bad boy from my parents.
the atmosphere isn't ideal, but 15 minutes of amped up heart rate on this guy 
is a quick easy work out.
i've had luck jaunting downstairs with the monitor in hand or
i bring the bouncy seat down near the tread.
i may have to make some silly faces now and again, but for 15 minutes
it's not so bad. ...even if you hate machine work outs like me.

5. walks.
the weather here is turning and my girl isn't old enough for the running stroller.
(which, mind you, we will be in all the time once she fits!!)
walks are great. even a long, calm walk is better than nothing.
there are umpteen carriers for babies and tots so no excuses.
put the big one in the umbrella stroller and little in something like
the mei tai, bjorn or ergo.
(or double stroller it around the town...)
any way you do it, you are out and about getting some exercise.

6. move and groove.
grab your ipod docking station. 
find some open area in your house.
pump up the tunes and do some plyometrics or dance.
again - quick and easy.
john taught me some moves (not dance) and always says you need to shock your muscles.
and i added in some boxing and dance like moves i learned in work out classes in nyc.
got my heart rate up. 15-20 minutes.
my muscles were shocked the next day. i need to keep shocking my abs.
more than likely baby will like it too.
or maybe i just have a baby that likes music and movement.


my obgyn mentioned that it's important to be a good role model of health for our kids
and encouraged exercising regularly.
i couldn't agree more.

this is what has worked for me so far.
feel free to share your own tips.


Ma Mom said…
You forgot dancing w the vacumn that your. Mom did when you were young. Now Stella does love music.

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