month 3 tracker

my darling stella,
you grow and change so quickly i feel like i need to write your updates every other week.
you root on anything when i hold you.
my shoulder.
nicki's shoulder (during yoga).
my thumb.
the teething ring i tried.
your rattles and "toys"
your hand.

my arm.
 i really thought you were going to latch on to my bicep the other day. 
it was such a strong latch it left a mark. 

you chew/latch onto your hand when in need and when i don't give you a paci.
quite the drooler... i'm almost questioning if this is early teething
because you legit love to chew on your hand and sometimes you gnaw on a paci, no suck.
...and the amount of drool child! 
sometimes i'm lead to change your outfit because you are so damp from drool.

you are still really territorial with your hands too. 
even when you are sleeping it's hard to file them or clip ur nails.
you are becoming sneaky and stronger with those hands/arms too.
when i swaddle you at night i wake up to find those hands have finagled their way to your face.
i guess swaddling won't last forever. 
i can't blame you for wanting the freedom. i, too, hate being confined BUT
when i initially swaddle you at night, you seem to like it.
it's like your cue to relax and drift to sleep.
i love looking at you like a blue glow worm or a green pea pod in your swaddle.

1. you zonked out after your EKG and tests at the cardiologist.
you are A-OK, just like i thought.
murmur's are so common and i really didn't blink an eye, i just wanted to knock out the appointment.
2. you, the blue glow worm sawing logs.
3. daddy and you! weekends are the best when we all get to stay in bed together.
we often laugh at you babbling and smiles and kicking and of course sharting.

you are babbling so much. 
i hope this means you will be a talker.
 your noises are cute and funny even though you sort of sound like a bird still.
when i talk to you you babble back or will trrrrry to imitate the noises.

you are very startle able.
one minute you are such a happy camper then if something catches you off guard you wail. 
i seriously wonder if you have anxiety. ooops ha!
daddy and i can't figure it out, but the older you become the less this happens.
i guess life is pretty creepy when you are new at it.

you are a big girl still, fit in most 6 month clothing. hmmmmm.
this is working out well with the hand me downs from pockets since the seasons are off. 
you can fit in the long sleeve onesies now that you are entering the 6-9 month clothing.
 not all, but most.
the 3 months are getting pretty dang tight or don't fit at all.
could be the size specs tho. all brands are pretty inconsistent.

you are so smiley in the morning. like the biggest grins ever.
 you LOVE to be talked to like you are a part of the convo and you use your eye brows to make silly smiles like you are talking back with your eye brows.

starting to let me put you down awake if you are tired enough. i give you a paci and your miami sound machine and stay in the room with you... 
putting clothes away or whatever but you drift off. 
night time if you are tired you don't fight. its getting easier... dare i say it.

1. side time looking at a book.
2. there we go. rolled over, but have that pesky arm there. barrier.
3. you are all over but half of the arm. my friend said it still counts haha!

you first rolled over, i *think* on daddy's birthday. 
we were having lots of "side time" and were rolling over, but you had a pesky arm in the way.
about a week ago you conquered this!
i'll be in the shower while you are chillin on the "play yard" and i'll hear some squawks.
and there you are rolled to your tummy and now bored because you can't get back.

your head is getting stronger.... still top heavy tho, 
we tried out the bumbo and you like it for a little. then i'm not sure what happens.

you love when i count.
not sure why.
i'll put you on my belly when i do sit ups and count them in a silly voice 
and dare i say you laughed??!!
if it doesn't count as a laugh you are on the tip of the ice burg of getting to a laugh.
i can't wait for more of this!!

1. just chillin in our fuzzy buns! 
we are using cloths thursday-sunday and i'm loving it.
i like to think you are too.
2. big girl in the bumbo seat. looking a little confused.
3. helping moma with her ab work outs. counting the sit ups is so funny!!

you had a second round of vaccinations and it certainly had an affect on you.
you didn't want to nurse much, your naps were MUCH longer and 
you were so fussy on day 2. 
it gave me a taste of what it will be like when you are sick or teething for real.
i can wait! ha, but i don't like seeing you not feel like your happy, chill self.

you've adapted so well to moma going back to work.
we both, and daddy too, have got in a pretty good groove with our new routine.
i know you are well taken care of and those grins you give me when i walk in the door
are priceless.
my pal, lauren, was right - going back to work makes coming home so much more fun.
and the time i spend with you more precious.

i'll never tire of this toothless grin.
you are my favorite.
i guess you are supposed to be.

love you long time pickle.


katie said…
stella, you are such a happy little beauty! it is so sweet to see you grow.
Auntie Sandy said…
Some fun photos and thoughts here. Thanks!

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