a few reasons why we do it.

i breastfeed. and i love it. and wanted to share how awesome it is.
 i contacted fellow b.feeders and asked them why they love it or why they do it. 
so many were gracious enough to share.
... some not only shared a couple reasons, 
but wrote their own personal b.feeding stories and benefits.

thanks to the gals who shared and kudos to those people that struggled, 
but stayed committed.

 these longer ones (myself included)
will be coming in from time to time in posts of their own, but for now:
i present, a few reasons why we do it!

"I love breastfeeding b.c. in the middle of the night I can lay there and nurse without fully waking up.  Hello amazing. Don't have to get out bed, fill my kid with nutritious food and it's free? Sign me up!"

"As I face the realization that I am having no more children, 
the thing that I miss the most, 
the thing that I think about in the middle of the night, is breastfeeding.  
That soft, tiny mouth, seeking me in the middle of the night, 
drawn by that invisible warmth. 
Those little hands, grasping me, holding on for dear life...God, I miss that.  
I miss co-sleeping and baby-wearing tremendously, 

but nothing compares to being the sole provider of my baby's nutritional needs like breastfeeding did for me. 
I breastfed for a total of five years +.  Each child was a different feeder, but the feelings were all the same." 

"(1) One of the reasons I stuck with breastfeeding because I was the traveling meal.  I didn't have to plan meals for my child.  And it was awesome.  The only possible downside to this would be the fact that some people [read: my husband] had a verrrrryyy looonnggg learning curve when it came to recognizing that his child actually needed to eat.  Real human food. (2) I was shocked at how nonchalant breastfeeding became for me.  It felt natural.  I was really scared that I wouldn't feel comfortable feeding my child in front of others. (3) My working situation was fantastic when it came to pumping.  I had privacy and space and time when/where I needed it."

"Besides the practical reasons why I like breastfeeding (i.e. it's free, it's healthy and always available to my son), I feel a lot of pride that I am able to provide sustenance for my child. I like that it is something only I can do for him, and I like that we are dependent on each other in this deal. He needs me for food, and I need him so my boobs don't explode. I love that moment when I lay him down on his Boppy, and he instinctively turns toward me looking for me. And when I feel like eating ice cream, I think to myself, "Go ahead, as a breastfeeding mom, you burn an extra 500 calories a day. Eat the ice cream."
With all that said, it overwhelms me imagining doing this for a year, which is my goal. I also feel a little sad that my breasts will never look or feel the same....I am mourning my pre-breastfeeding breasts."

"I love it enough to pump my dry boobs 8-12 x a day in efforts to re-lactate after a supply was lost from an insufficient suck and (possible) thyroid problems? I love it so much I'm willing to take a non-FDA approved drug from some unknown country from a pharmaceutical company because my OB and numerous lactation consultants say I need it to feed my baby? or I love it so much I'm willing to pump my boobs till they bleed while I sit and cry and stare at walls because my preemie baby is attached to tubes in the NICU?"

"My favorite part about it is when she is eating and all of the sudden pulls up and looks up at me with a huge smile, looking right into my eyes, and then really quickly jumps back on. She will do this over and over. It's not always the most productive if I am pressed for time, but I'd be late everywhere to see her do it every time."


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