four months. four.five months really.

dear stella,
the months go by a lot quicker with you.
holy moly.

you are growing and growing.
where did you get those long legs and torso?
ok, legs = dad. torso, TBD.

you learned to laugh on 3.23.12
moma was making fun of you.
you have come close before, but hearing your giggle was music to my ears.
and daddie's too.
we kept laughing every time you laughed.
your laugh often turns to hiccups and makes you stop. 

you love your naps.
sleep stretches are still mostly 40-50 minute naps, but you've done some 2 hour one's in the mix
here and there.

sleep stretches at night.... well, yea.
they aren't great. but average for your age.
the doc wasn't concerned. neither am i, but i thought i would ask.
i put you "down for the night" around 9:30-10:30p
aka when i go upstairs. i do it all in one swoop.
maybe i am lazy, but eh.
you typically have been waking at 1a/2a for a feed and then again 415a/445a for a feed.
this is the latest and greatest. note that you were getting up like 1a, 3a, 5a etc the week before this for some odd reason.
and yet, somehow i go on functioning.

there are times i have to get a nap.
usually i don't, but when i need one i take one. 
daddie and i went on a date last week and i didn't go to bed until 12:30a
along with a heaping glass of wine at the movie.
the next day i was shot.
guess i need to "put myself down for the night" earlier as well.

stella 4.5m stats are as follows:
you are a solid 15.7 lbs (at 4m you were 15.1) and riding the 75th %.
height you are 26.5 inches and riding the 90th % curve. 
actually you look like you are above the 90th on my graph...
it's funny having such a big girl since i never came close to these percentiles.

you met your silly rolling over milestone a while ago, but you are a
rolling over machine still. 
like, you are obsessed with it.
you go from back to front, but not front to back.
dr. D said most kids go front to back first bc it's easier, 
but he said you must not have read the manual.
leave it to you to shake it up and want the challenge first.
mwhahaha, like her mama.

we are waiting on solid foods.
not because you aren't old enough, but because i don't feel like it.
we aren't behind, but i don't feel like making your food right now and you are clearly 
chunking up just fine with bmilk.
i'd like to get you in the crib first, then maybe we can talk new menu's. 
sound ok? i'm also not looking forward to your diapers once we intro you to new foods.

i won't hold you off forever. 
one thing at a time kid.
i'm trying to keep up with you.

your care givers adore you and i can tell you are well taken care of when i see your
"how was stella" book every day.
i'm happy you get so much 1v1 attention.
you are loving babbling more and more and seem to have taken a liking to my singing.
you like when i sing "let me be your star" from SMASH.
thanks for making me feel good.
you seem to be liking broadway music and female vocals. 
this is only based on when i play it vs other music you seem to perk up more.

your attention is all over the place.
everything is SoooOOOOooOOOOoo interesting.
loving books - the animal ones, sesame street ones and some crayola ones from the paces.
(leave it to the paces to get you some colorful books).
you look around at people when they are talking and sometimes try to mimic or join in.
your attentiveness to nursing is waning. 
you still like to bfeed, but i have to take you to a quiet place sometimes
bc you are and that is not too cool for a mama trying to feed her birdie.

you love outside. my kind of girl, enjoys walks.
... and we are counting the days to get you in the jogging stroller.
we just need daddie to get that guy out of the box.
then........ moma will ReaLLy get back in shape.
watch out!

i did happen to get you a 4m bday present.
don't get used to that. 
i went to a writing workshop at a local children's boutique
and decided i had to get you a cute lil bit from the tea collection.
it's very cute and i rarely buy you anything bc you have so much.

you are such a happy, loved little girl.
mommie and daddie enjoy you more each day and your smiles are contagious.

love you, ginger snap.


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