time measures quickly.

how has it been almost 1/2 a year?
makes no sense.

you little one are 5 months. 
ok so i don't do your updates until at least a week to two weeks late, but this probably is the closest to on time i've been in a while.

you are a good little egg tho, but sometimes i feel like i am running on empty since we are hoping for sleeping thru the night  some day soon. i'm not pushing it, just dreamily hoping.

i don't have any stats since we didn't go to the doc this month except to get some pokes in the thigh.

you are a tough crowd for laughing but when you do it's this belly laugh that is oh so funny. it's kind of deep sounding, from the pit of your belly. have i mentioned that i LOVE your bellie. i love that is round like buddah. i kiss your belly and sometimes i cant stop touching it when it looks perfect and round.

you are interested in everything and still love running water. that has not changed since day one.
you are reaching for everything and anything you can get your hands on. i have to be more careful what i put in arms reach.

we started you in the crib around easter. it's just been inconsistent. at the beginning you just woke your normal times and i fed you and that was that, it wasn't any more waking it was just in another room (sucking for me). i started putting you on your belly for naps and at night b.c that is how you end up and you automatically start to turn over so i saved you the trouble of doing that. you nap better, but lately the night time madness hasn't been as nice.

it's your darn teeth. i think.....
ok so i really have no idea, and i pretty much have thrown my hands up in the air and saying whatever.

you are biting your finger. you are biting your paci ... this changed from sucking on fingers etc, you have the need to bite and sometimes look distressed about it and fuss at night. sometimes you go back to sleep on your own, other times i need to pick you up and rock you, or feed you if it's been a while or pat your butt. you love a good butt pat. i'm getting pickier about when i feed you at night and don't want to assume you are hungry because you are crying.

you finally learned to roll over the other way! we've been working on this guy.
you woke in the middle of the night and i found you cramped up on your back in the corner of your crib. i was in a haze, but knew i put you on your belly so i guess you learned a new trick. it's nice bc you fuss less since we don't have to rescue you when you rolled and get bored.

we will probably start on solids next month... mashing up something for you to try. 
got the book all ready.
i can't believe it's time to get this going. i'm not sad that you are getting older bc you get more fun, but
it's just weird that you grow and change so fast. "they" weren't lying.

your sounds are getting louder, sometimes more demanding and sometimes more piercing. 
you are experimenting with your sounds and know how to get our attention.

you love your daddy these days. mom is like an old hat. 
ok, you still love me, but you dig dadda a lot!
you pretty much always give daddy a smile when he gets home from work and enjoy your snuggle time with him. i love to snuggle you, but it's a nice break for me too. 

 we love our jogger stroller! both of us.
i love being able to take you out and get exercise and you love the fresh air. 
you fall asleep while i jog quite a bit and you stayed asleep a few times 
for over an hour in there post jog.

you reach for everything. i have to watch where i put you on my lap and what i put in front of you. you started to practice drinking from a cup for fun bc every time i do it you want to as well. you are so wiggly and have even started to move the legs in crawling positions but you don't know how to work it all together. you have managed to move forward in your crib by some sort of scooting though.

you are physically strong. duh.
you are my kid, of course you are strong. you aren't quite sturdy enough to sit on your own, 
but getting there. you also get frustrated if you can't do something right away or grab something right away. gee, i wonder where you get that?

you still love those feet.
and i love that you love them and they entertain you.
i'm quite fine with that, although it doesn't do much for keeping socks on.

moma still knows how to trickily get you to sleep when tired. 
you had to come to work with moma once this month and both of us needed you to sleep.
i mustered up the trusty mei tai wrap i packed 
and after a little walking around the office and holding you tightly, 
bam boom we had a cod fish faced, sleeping babe while moma replied to some work emails.

the older you get the more quickly you are changing.
every day you seem to be doing more so a month update doesn't seem like enough.
for sanity's sake we shall keep it around that while there is just 1 kid to write about...

i love you.
(i love you more when you sleep from 10-5!)
ok kidding, i love you more no matter what.

~your momsicle


Ma Mom said…
Stella is stellar. a real shining star. She makes you grin with her big smile and eyes that seem to be lit up.
My little moom beam is getting so big!
Ma Mom said…
That's moon beam.

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