3/4 thru chapter 1

i can't believe we are closing in on a year.
chapter 1 is almost complete!
the older you get, the more exciting it is for moma (and dada)!!

here's the lowdown around 9 months for you, bird:

your jibberjabber vocab is increasing.
your favorite word:
mingem, mingem, mingem over and over again.
i think it stems form "nom, nom, nom" when you eat your food you say that as if you know what it means. you are exploring new sounds and are "clucking your tongue" more.
you are still saying dada and starting what seems like bye bye or hi with a wave and blowing kisses, but i'm not completely convinced if it's just coincidence.

you are still easy for me to read.
come to moma when you want to be picked up.
bang on my chest when you want to nurse.
bang on the highchair when you want more food.
make loud screechy noises when you want something we took away.
pound on books when you want them read or read again.

your favorite books are:
the opposite book (i think bc you like the way i read it), the color book and the
christmas song book - it's been christmas all august. oy-veh.
but you bounce up and down when we play the music and you often clap your hands when you are smitten about something. you raise those sweet red brows, show those 2 (soon to be 3 chompers) and clap with delight. it's one of my favorite sights.

you are very active and into anything!! and you get mad when you can't get on dada or my computers. you love to tackle people on the ground. when there are people on the ground laying or lounging you take it upon yourself to climb on them as if that is obviously what is supposed to be done. you don't really get the concept of gentle so i make sure to keep you away from cousins sarah and dalia and friends molly, patrick and braden. i fear for their safety with your razor blade nails (mom fail), and your tight grip.

josie loves to play with you even when you tackle her. she thinks you are so funny and you give her big smiles as well. when i am holding you and we see her she says "put stella down" bc she wants to play with you. it's so fun to see you two interact now. i think it's only going to get more fun and more interesting.

you are cruising around tables and anything you can lift yourself up to. the doctor asked yesterday if you were crawling. i sort of laughed and said, yea she is pretty much on her way to walking. you are still walking with help and the other day you were free standing just for a split second, but that maybe a "treat" to come for moma and dada. watch out...... i'm still excited for you to walk tho.

you might be the squirmiest kid i've met especially when it comes to diaper changes. you just hate it and hate being on your back. i think god put a secret magnet in your tummy that turns you automatically over when it's time to lay your on your back to be changed. you aren't the most patient with diaper changes, but somehow i have been blessed to have you stay calm enough during blow out diapers. they don't come often, but when they do it's explosive. dang, child.

everything is still primarily going in the mouth. we let you explore, but still have to be really cognisant of what we give you. when you are upset it's an easy fix with a cold slice of celery or carrot. i have to watch that you don't chomp some off, but it seems to be the best teether and "babysitter". another close second is dada's old cell phone and a water bottle or straw. (who needs toys??)

i learned you are the best travel partner and actually pretty easy going (esp for a scorpio). you love to take in new people and places and just explore, explore, explore!!!

your 9m stats ring in at 19 lbs 6 oz and 28.25 inches. you are tapering off into the 75% for both weight and height. apparently it's normal once you are around 20 lbs to taper as you are more active and not just chunking up on moma's milkshakes. you got a clean, normal health bill for a 9m old! i didn't have any huge questions for the doc so we had our lil convo and called it a day!

you are working on 4 top teeth right now. you loooooves you some foods! still loving nursing, but boy do you want to eat with moma and dada or whomever is around. after today i am pretty sure your favorite food is lemon artichoke chicken. you were pretty obsessed with it! although i can't blame you, it was pretty good. moma is going to get rid of a pump at work. im totally ok with nursing you until you want to be done-zo, but i'm a little over pumping 2x at work. we shall see.

what do people say about you when they meet you?
*comment on your gorgeous red hair
*tell me how good of a baby i have!

i like both a lot! ... and yes, although impatient and super active, you are a good, happy, healthy baby. we are blessed.
i love you so very much. you have no idea.
... or do you?


Ma Mom said…
what a stellar pic of her in a classic gown. Is that her subtle look since she isn't clowning around with that wonderful smile?

Stella, do you have a clue how much we ALL love you?
Kisses and Hugs Stella Bella
ma mow

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