10/11 combo.

i'm so happy i don't have to write about month 10 and 11 for pregnancy....

again, i am always so much later with your monthly updates when we don't have doctor appointments.

my little red,
you are funnier by the day and i can't wait for you do speak real words.
real sentences.
and by real i don't mean they have to make sense all the time, but i am so looking forward to the hilarity of your conversations. based on your facial expressions and your babble it's going to be a good time!

dada and i did chalk up your first word: CHEESE! thanks to our handy dandy camera toy that says "say cheese!" you decided to say the word back to dada. he came upstairs said "i think she just said her first word!" you are still choosy when you say it to us, but we try bc it makes us happy. i think you are exploring with other words, but i'm not sure - up, hi, dada... maybe tinkering with the idea that these have meanings... and sort of emulating them.

chasing josie at mawmaw and pawpaws.

not only are you a funny kiddo, you are just so sweet. you smile at everyone. the grocery store is the place to make friends. you woooo every customer over every week. you love to smile at people and play peek a boo games with them and when you are excited you clap those hands back and forth and squeal with delight. your eyes often get big, eye brows raised and your under bite with your two bottom teeth show - a grin, from ear to ear. seriously i can't get enough of it.

you are a people lover-
waving better, more in context, blowing kisses and sometimes open mouth kisses when i say "kisses for moma" and you think it's funny. i do too so we both are giddy. you certainly choose when you want to smile and say hi to people. whenever i do a formal introduction you aren't so interested in smiling. suit yourself, kid. 

hanging out with your friends molly and patrick!
you are a snuggler even when you fight naps or sleep.
you love to give hugs, put your head on a shoulder.
the sleep fighting isn't always consistent - sometimes you are pleased to be put down in your bed for a nap like it's a relief and other times you take the paci from your mouth and throw it on the floor. you realllllllly know what you want these days.

lately i've let you play in your crib with books and stuffed animals while i get something done or shower. it's typically when you are border line tired anyway and a large % of the time you've fallen asleep on your own. that's not to say you don't fuss on your own first, but you tend to eventually give in and realize that sleep must win!

you loves you some dada!!
started doing stairs this past month.
don't let you go unattended, but you can actually climb them well.
i was really impressed. you go up with no help, but my hand behind you ready to catch you...
there was a time when dada thought i had you and i thought he had you and then i see him bolt for the stairs. yea, you were half way up them and thankfully doing it quite successfully. however it's not to say that the thought of you falling down them makes me ill. 

stella, you are a teething machine! you have 4 teeth and 2+ on the way. it's like we get one in and another pops up. i know they are bothering you, but you've dealt with it pretty well. it's made eating much easier and in turn, feeding you "real" food easier. you like to feed yourself now and i dont have to worry as much bc you have more teeth to chew! no new favorites on food, but you just LOVE food. i started feeding you more portions and a little bit more on a schedule (i know, brace yourself i said schedule!)

but, just trying to see how it works to nurse in the morning, then some fruit and yogurt for breakfast, lunch and dinner of left over veggies, meat and or dairy and nurse at night. this has opened my eyes to how much you can eat in one sitting! i've been amazed. you've eaten almost a whole peach or a whole pear and some rice or yogurt. guess moma's have to learn some things too. i've also tried a little breastmilk in a sippie ... it's ok for now, but the sitting out part and in and out of fridge thing i haven't got the hang of yet. i just have SOOO MUCH MILK LEFT!!!

other tricks:
*you can drink through a straw. you've been doing it for some time. i doubted you'd be able to at first, but i appeased you and let you try. you were very pleased with yourself when you were able to get water. 
*you are starting to do the "more" symbol now and then, but it seems more like clapping. you love to clap too so maybe i am off my rocker.
*you try to sing with moma and LOVE music. i'm not sure if you are musical or not, but you have a love for music- that goes without question.
*you kiss your doll. i'm not sure, but i think you think the doll is a real baby. you are so excited when i have her hug you and kiss you. you give her a lot of open mouth kisses.
*stella the wrestler. yes, you like to wrestle and sneak up on people. if we are on the ground you climb up our back and say hello! you also enjoy being tossed on the couch. i mean that in the gentlest way possible. BUT, let's just say you like being ruff housed. 

i'd rather have a tough girl with tude than a dainty thing that thinks she has to look pretty all the time. so, yea obviously i love your little ways. you are pretty balanced in being loving and gentle and being brutus and rough. a little buddah, you are.

the next update will be your first birthday. 
that's pretty hard to believe, almost one year ago you entered this crazy world!

loves you, bird.


Unknown said…
These are the best pictures ever! I can't wait to see her in person soon!
Ma Mom said…
Such a sweetie. Every week a new tooth to smile about and say "cheese". Happiest babe around.

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