got milk?

no, no seriously... got milk?

because if you don't i have some.

i stopped pumping at work and i seem to have an exorbitant amount of breastmilk left over. it's frozen and ready to be utilized. i don't have the total amount of oz, but if you are interested please contact me as i seem to NOT have a supply problem.

my bird is still taking a bottle now and then and we are doing a little milk in a sippie, but i'm willing to give away my precious milks to someone in need that isn't weirded out. 

(*sidenote* i am a very healthy person - eat well. you won't find anything crazy in my hard made milk).

because i feel like i've made my own food here, we are talking photosynthesis, you know the game - i refuse to thaw and dump.

comment below if you don't know how to find me.
i'd love to help someone in need... even an oz here or there.


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