field trips

mister john had a day off this week.
we decided to do something fun.
family fun.

we'd been talking about going to the zoo (you know, like families do...) since july. 
it happened to be gorgeous out so a trip to the zoo seemed like an optimal choice.
(especially since my sister gave us half price tickets and we'd only be spending about 2 hours there!)

after parking, $8.00's later, we arrived.
i had envisioned stella obsessing over the large animals and being excited.
only, it was john and i who were more interested in the animals.
and, because it's november (not july when we initially talked about going to the zoo) a lot of the animals were not on "display" ... we passed many a'signs that read "brrrrr it's cold out here" aka you can't check us out until maybe, next spring (er maybe next july like we planned).

we took stella in and out of her stroller to see the animals.
so, i have to say, i was a little disappointed in her reaction. i probably should have known this, but i envisioned the excitement in my head. she's at such a cute age, pointing at Everything and saying "Dat. Dat." (That!)

only, stella would point at the water in the tank and say "Dat!" instead of realizing the massive manatee. She couldn't get enough of the wooden pegs holding the fences up- pounding on them with delight! We stood next to the large tiger in the glass and she found much enjoyment pointing at the other children looking "Dat! Dat! Dat!" i can't blame her for the most part - a) she is 1. b) the animals are kinda far away for her to realize what is actually going on (um,  c) i don't have an excuse for the tiger incident except he didn't move much.)

while little bird didn't react to the animals as i expected, i didn't have to question whether or not she had a good time. all we need are a few kids to gawk at, a fence or a wooden peg and fresh air - saving us $23.00 for the 2 hours! 

i DID however have a great day going to lunch and spending a few hours outside with my mister and baby bird. those things climb the charts in my book and i DO think next zoo trip stella will be more alert to the animals > wooden pegs.

and as she gets older i look forward to trying more new outings with my lil famdamily.

yes, you are right, she is pointing saying "dat!"


Ma Mom said…
It is in the blood. First zoo outing with Josie I thought "oh all the cute animals." Blazing hot day and she wants to stay in the playground. We could have gone to the park, or just find a neighborhood wall to walk on and she would have been in heaven.

Auntie Sandy said…
Too funny! Adorable adorable adorable photos. Hope she'll let me hold her a bit when I'm in town.

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