new year. new goals.

i don't always do resolutions.
i don't like to be forced into doing something new for the sake of doing it.
this year i have some goals and i am excited about the challenge.
if you know me at all, you know i am competitive, even with myself.
i know i could start these at any time, but with a new year comes a natural want to start "fresh" or refreshed. or both. i want to be held somewhat accountable for these so i may check in from time to time to document my progress or set backs.
end frivolous spending.
i am generally very good with my/our money.
we do okay and make ends meet, but i want to challenge myself (ourselves) and commit to not buying wants that we think are needs. there are always exceptions, but they have to be legitimately qualified. ie: my running shoes have no traction and are over the normal mileage. while this need isn't life or death, i like to keep my feet healthy being a 4-5x a week jogger.
to start i am going to try to do this until April and see how it goes. i am hoping to continue it longer as perhaps it will become a habit. i am going to attempt to document what i would have spent at the store if i would have purchased the item and put that money for a bill instead.
i had my first challenge today.
 i was at target and found a light weight jacket-y item. great colors, nice cut for only $27.98. i did some self talk in the store. "caren, do you really need this? just b/c it's $28 doesn't mean you have to get it while it's a hot deal. even if you get it and send clothes to consignment in it's place, you gain less in the end. how often would you really wear it? you'll be closer to paying things off if you step away. that seems to be the best game changer for my self talk.
so i did. away i went.
 i still like it and would be happy to own it,
but i was able to de-rationalize myself from the frivolous purchase.
so for the next 4 months (at least!) i will be deciphering needs vs wants and putting any extra "would have been purchased item" money to good use.
*hopefully i won't bore you*
eat cleaner.
i am a very healthy person. exercise is a high priority and 90% of the time we eat healthy in this house. my mister is (becoming less of) an addict of his own and i, well i, am guilty too. mainly to a dear friend, chocolate. if it's here i eat it. it's that simple. it's like putting an open flask in front of a newly sober alcoholic or greasy food to an over-eater. when you come to our house i typically don't have "bad" food. that is how i stay good. BUT work always seems to have treats and we brought some holiday treat leftovers home so the evil chocolate temptress had me done in for.
this year, i want to be able to indulge, but not over indulge.
i'd still like to refrain from having items in our house regularly, but when put in a situation out of my hands i'd like to become better.
foster creativity.
since planning stella's first birthday, christmas card creations, and some crafty gifting i realized how much i miss the creative aspect in my life on a more regular basis. while this blog is an outlet, a place to share ideas and is a form of creativity it doesn't account for working with my hands, creating in full force. SO, in 2013 i am going to learn to sew. i am not sure where it will go, what i will do, but i love little kiddie things and think this will be a fun new venture.
i also like the idea of being a creative example for my kid(s).
on a similar note, i will be doing an official name change on the blog.
one that better matches where i am with see you in november and one that may reflect where i will go creatively in the future.
stay tuned.
happy new year to all.
may your year to come be filled with much joy and challenges for the better!


Ma Mom said…
I love action plans. When ya meet goals, you gain more than the identified pursuit, you gain mental and emotional wisdom.
Unknown said…
Carey! I want to sew too! Maybe we can help each other from afar! One tidbit...I found a group on called crafty Cleveland chicks and they get together once a month (at least) to do a project together. This month I am learning to crochet! I am sure Cincinnati has something too! I can tell you my theory about target later....

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