searching and listening.

i'll admit it's hard.
but, i'm trying.

i'm one who's always been somewhat of a "searcher" - 
it's actually a little irksome, but it's who i am.
trying to find that balance (in everything)
trying to find what i am supposed to do in life
trying to find out what's next

i often just want to "be"
there's something calming about just being.
not to worry about what is next and what i am supposed to do.
why is it so hard to be in the present and be ok with being in the present?

for as long as i can remember people said "follow your heart"
and well, that is hard. your heart doesn't talk. your heart doesn't spell out answers.
but, heck, i'm trying to follow my heart.
and listen.
and be.

in our ADD + distraction filled + consumerist + materialistic society it's hard to be.
and it's really hard NOT to want.
the next best thing is already tugging at you before we have a chance to enjoy the last best thing. 

a wise guy told me to focus on the mantra "give me what i need" not to be confused with "give me what i want" (because we have convinced ourselves that our wants are our needs)...
so often we ask/pray/meditate on what we want instead of being open to what we need.
we may in fact be where we are supposed to be and have the answers to get what we need.
we follow that heart.
and listen.
and be.


Ma Mom said…
Well, what I am reading is so meaningful with purpose. Dare I share the name- subtitle is a spiritual guide to living with passion and purpose. The title - rediscovering Catholicism.
Unknown said…
I thought I commented on this already but looks like I didn't. I keep going back and re-reading though. Very big goal for me this year. Thanks for being a constant inspiration!

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