thirteen and fourteen

darling birdie,

here's your "monthly" update on months 13 and 14. 
you are turning into quite the toddler. there seems to be smaller amounts of baby in you every day.

one day you woke up from a nap and dada and i both said "did she age during her nap?"
you looked so much older all the sudden. which, physically speaking, you have a lot of hair, a lot of teeth and you walk around so that helps you "seem" older even though developmentally you are on par with whatever the norm is i'd think.

you started walking right around 12 1/2 months old and just took off. you walk in circles in our house and hold different options, inspecting new and re-discovering old items. what's funny is sometimes when you fall down you just stay there looking up for a while. melanie's nico did this and you started as well (and you've never seen him do it). 

You haven't done any major climbing except the stairs, but you attempt to scale the baby gate and you accidentally dove into the bathtub. 

Your vocabulary is growing every day. i know you understand A LOT, but you can say plenty of words:

jojo (josie), moma, dada, dalia, pawpaw, debby, jesus, stella
cheese, bubbles, more, that, "hohoho" tweet-tweet, hello, byebye, no-no-no, nurse, nana (banana), poopie, up, down, "nom-nom-nom" (this food is good),
baba (paci), bumble (character in rudolph), "hoohoohoo" for an owl, woof woof, ball, night night, chew

The made up word? "dae-too-bah" is said often... which i *think means "read the book" when you use it in context. you use the symbols more, all done and again in context. i guess that stuff really does work and click in...

you also can say "nigh nigh dada" if we ask you to or "bye bye dada" or "bye bye pawpaw"
those are the only sentences thus far, but i'm impressed and pleased as it is even though it may be, like i said, right on par. 

you understand and follow simple commands:
give the baby a kiss.
go get moma a book.
where is Minnie? (your fav stuffed animal)
get the ball. throw the ball.
do you want to eat? (you get your tray or say "mmmm Mmmm")
give moma your baba (paci).
go get jesus. (from the nativity scene).
go get daddy. (you sneak up on him excitedly).

you mimic everything we do or say. you pretend to write on paper with a pen, kick and throw balls, and sometimes you "read" your books. you'll look through each page on your own and babble all the way. you point to your nose and mouth when you see the pictures of a baby's nose and mouth. when you see pictures of food in your books you say "mmm mmmmm".
what is awesome is seeing you find your favorite books and choose what you want to read instead of what happens to be around. if you want me to read a book you get the book, bring it to me, sit in my lap or near me with your book reached out and if i don't take it right away, you physically take my hand and put the book in it. cracks me up.

your current favorite books:
B is for Bear
A Feast for 10
The Eye Book
Let's Plant a Garden
If I had Stripes
I Love Monkey
On the Night You Were Born
The Foot Book


PawPaw got you 12 Mini Books from the movie Rudolph for Christmas and you are pretty much obsessed. You choose a book and bring it to someone to read it. You choose the books that correspond to a song in the movie and bop your head up and down because you want us to sing the songs from the movie. Your Favorite of All Time is The Island of Misfit Toys. For some reason you LOVE all the misfit toys from the movie. It is expected that we sing the song when you bring us the book. Maybe you are sensitive and feel sorry for the misfits. 

With that, you still adore music. We listen to music a lot - solo piano, yoga radio, mumford and sons, adele, ray lamontagne, neil young and the like. you like any music, but you recognize these artists and it seems to quasi calm you. you got a drum and musical instruments for Christmas and you enjoy drumming (and walking around the house with the drum sticks). 

From time to time you have minor fits, but they are still easily managed by distraction. You aren't one lick patient so usually it's a fit because you can't open something or I won't give you my phone or something silly. A lot of the time you know what you shouldn't be doing and point your finger and say "no no no" - and sometimes you look to see if someone is coming over to move you away. 

95% of the time you are good natured and happy. You LOVE when dadda gets home. You walk to the door and look for him and say his name. When he gets home (or me!) you run excitedly to the door. Melts my heart and gets me every time. You point at everything you want until we figure out the right item and love when we pick you up! 

...and Of course I love it too! 

There's nothing better than being cheek to cheek with you little red.

When we go out you are OBSESSED with kids. You laugh and smile so excitedly and try to run to them. A lot of times they have no idea, but you either want to play with them or they just make you happy because they are littler people. 

i'm sure i'm forgetting things bird, but this will at least give you an idea of what you were up to around this time when we go back and read it. you are such a little lover and there's nothing i love more than hugs and kisses from you! sweet, sweet snuggler when you want to be.

love you more and more.


mel said…
sounds like Nori's milestone chart. (good luck, she never shuts up!) Nico is physically ahead BUT verbally.. nothing. just basic sounds still. he signs a handful of words though. other than that he clucks. like a chicken. it's special.
ps. the falling and laying there...hysterical. i loved that.

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