hurdles [a new body]

sometimes i receive grief for being "skinny" post baby.
i should probably spend more time reminding people that i have worked hard to lose my baby weight, with a lot of help from breastfeeding calorie burning.  it certainly makes it easier to lose weight burning an extra 500 cals a day... the first day dr B gave the green lite to exercise i jogged around the neighborhood - slowly. but i did it. and please recall this post early on...

i've been down to my pre pregnancy weight when bird reached 5.5 months.
i even went below pre pregs around 10-11 months post partum.
 tell me why in the world this equation doesn't add up?
regardless of what weight you get down to, the body has changed post pregnancy/birth.
Pre Pregs lbs = Pre Pregs clothes.
seems like there is a glitch in the system, but there's not. 
i talked with friends and family members about this glitch and it seems to be universal.

that is the simple truth. 

i'm thrilled to have the weight off, but upon going through my closet it appears i will be buying and selling to snooty fox in the near future. a few months ago i tried on 90% of my clothes and a large % just didn't fit right. the weight matches, but my body shape has changed.
the joys of motherhood.
(worth it)

i'm also pondering if the contents in my closet were items i should even entertain wearing at this point in my life. aside from these items fitting differently mostly due to pregnancy's pull of gravity, i felt funny in some of the outfits. they weren't as "fun" to wear.  wearing an outfit that "goes" best with my stiletto boots isn't really as appealing with a soon-to-be 15 month old. (it's not practical or safe to watch her, but she also thinks that stiletto's are toys when she happens to sneak into my closet). or there's the outfit that is so "hot" ... only for going out, single, in the city. does it still "fit" me? i guess, but it certainly doesn't fit me well - both physically and should i say, mentally?
i know, i sound like someone with a mom butt. my apologies. don't worry, i'm not about to whip out the infamous "mom jeans" and i'm not about to flaunt an outfit that now looks silly on a 30 year old.

 i recently looked in the mirror after my shower (yes i was naked. most people are after a shower) and checked myself out. not in a vain way, but curious way. i noticed that my body is less perfect than i would like it to be, but for the first time i felt more accepting of these changes.

i DO NOT want you to think i am settling. i'm just learning to meddle with acceptance a little bit better.
i know i have a good body (i'm not fishing for compliments here) and i work hard to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. the change is that my current work outs and decrease in breastfeeding have tapered me to my most natural shape. i'm doing more yoga and jogging as regularly as i can. while yoga stretches, strengthens and challenges me mentally and physically i'm not doing full strength training and long distances which do most of my toning. i will try to integrate more of this as the weather breaks, but for now i'm accepting what i am: imperfect.


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