we have a 15 monther in the house, folks.

my dear little birdski,

you are such a joy. really, you are! happy little gal- we are so blessed.
stella, you are growing up so quickly. i'm still not sad about it yet, but i do see the challenges ahead as you become more and more independent and aware.

when i talked to the doctor at your annual check i said you had 2-5 words and this time around i said, with ease, 20+ ...
i'm having a hard time keeping track of your words now because you want to attempt everything people say. your newbies include: judy, please, baby, berry, up, down, music, yes, bellie, open, apple (ple), jeff, debbie, minnie, mamaw, bath, leg, shoe, broom ... (some of these might be repeats, but i can't remember). dr D told dadda and me to stop using certain 4 LETTER words as they will soon come back to haunt us. i guess that is for our own good anyhow. 

though you can talk a lot communication can still be somewhat frustrating. you know what you want and most the time i am able to decipher it, but at times it's irritating for you. on the other hand the irritation comes from not getting what you want and not knowing why you cannot have it. (my coffee, my cookie, nursing when i'm not in a space to do it, or just playing with something that is "off limits". you are beginning little tantrums and pull your own way. i'm not overwhelmed by these at all and do my best to re-direct and stay calm. it's mainly the sound of your shrill cry or shout that i find irritating, but to be expected. you have a set of lungs and i can't be mad since they came from yours truly.

often when we have to go bye-bye i tell you we are going to see someone and it gets you happy to leave. so far pawpaw, jojo and patrick have done the trick. (don't worry i don't use this as a bribe and not actually go see them. i haven't starting lying yet haha!) i feel as if i can have somewhat of a conversation with you or at least i tell you what to do and you do it. perhaps it's one sided. when you are tired and want to take a "night night" you grab your baba and minnie and go to the stairs. 

you are still action packed. going to coffee shops and out to eat have become manageable, but complicated. i have to make sure we are in a spot with a highchair, but also kid friendly enough where you can run around and explore. i still enjoy it and (i think) it's still fun for our friends. you LOVE to run. run around the house, around the table, where ever there is a circle to go around you find it and you repeat. you've also started twirling and i'm not sure where you learned it, but one day you started to twirl. you also started to wear necklaces and wear purses. i'm not sure how this starts, but you enjoy putting your purse on your arm and anything that "seems" like a necklace around your neck. i find it very interesting since i wear minimal jewelry.

when moma and dada get home it's such a highlight. someone coming to the door to play peek-a-boo is hilarious still and let me tell you: the best part of the day is when we go upstairs for "night night" - i hold you and dada follows us up the stairs. you can't wait for him to chase us and become ridiculously giddy. you adore your dada and he still holds the favorite name. out of no where you will take out your baba and say "dada" and point to where he sits at his desk or go up and say his name to him. 

pointing to the lights and other objects is a good time. you want us to name the object you point to. your dexterity has improved and you are able to put the rings on a pole and stack big lego blocks. your love for music makes me oh, so happy! still running to the computer saying "muu" for music and let us know you'd like for us to start to play some pandora radio for you. you pound the beat on the floor, your drum or tables and chairs and dancing with moma is fun too! i'll look in my rear view mirror in the car and see some head bopping going on. 

it seems you are interested in your baby dolls. you have Goldie, Essie and Rosie. Goldie is by far your favorite and i think it's because she is the biggest and looks the most real. You pick her up and pat her back, give her a bottle, a kiss and carry her around. You like to give her to moma and dada to hold a lot too. I hope you aren't trying to tell us something, but it does make me think you will be a very caring older sister someday and it's sweet to see you interact with babies (dalia, patrick etc) and your baby dolls. 

you are old enough now to be pickier with foods. you love my Vi shakes and i don't hesitate to give you some. you walk up to me and say "more please" or just "more" until i ask you to say please. you have taken a liking to pumpernickel bread and cereal with milk. you love meat. you sort of eat on the go all day long. i have little eating stations i set up here and there because i never really know when you are hungry. we graze all day and try to sit in our chair for "meal times".  i'm still happy with your eating since you can't tell me in words all the time what it is you want, but you don't hesitate to push my hand away when you don't want what i set out. we let you have a sweet now and then. you tried ice cream for grandma's birthday and liked it, but it was so cold you only could take the littlest bit at a time. i'm pretty sure you didn't have more than a tablespoon haha. i give you bites of my sweets sometimes too. don't worry i'm not completely depriving you of little treasures for special occasions.

you need a haircut like whoa, but we are growing out your hair to pass your ears. when i'm lucky you let me keep your hair back with a barret/bow. i would think you'd like it since you'd be able to see better, but if you catch me putting it in, it becomes a distraction and you want to check out the hairpiece. sigh. big news is: you let me cut your nails while awake!!!! you were scratching me and everyone and you and snagging clothes..... so. finally. i bucked up. i sat you on my lap and you watched me snip. i let you hold the clippers before and after so maybe that was my ticket. there's no more falling asleep in the carseat now that you have a "big girl" seat so banking on naps in the pumpkin seat are over.

your 15 month stats came in at 21.6 lbs and 31 in. riding along 50% for weight and 80% for height. long and lean as the doctor said. that length is obviously not from me..... our visit was good - i had no questions and he said you were on track and normal and doing all the things little tots should be doing. way to go kid! 

*i have to check on the height. i forget, but it's close.

we just love you so very much and i can't tell you how happy you make me. sometimes i look at you and think you are the cutest thing when you say funny things or make certain faces. i know all parents think their kids are the cutest things, but i get it now. i get that unexplainable joy and bursting love. 

love you.

in other news: minnie got her first bath. you like to chew/suck on her nose at night time so needless to say she smells like bad breath. and then....... you nuzzle her on your forehead so your head smells like bad breath. it's a vicious cycle, but she's been pretty clean. now, to keep her this way!!!


Ma Mom said…
Good thinking on nail clipping.
I see all the dolls in the toy sink in your future.
Stella Bella mama w loves you.
Auntie Sandy said…
Great post, Caren. Thank you! Love the last two photos of Stella Bella Belly and then MInnie's bubble bath!

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