so what.

i'm still breastfeeding.
go ahead judge me.
i used to judge people who extended breastfeed.
it may not be the judgement you are thinking though.

it was never "eeeew you are gross." or "what moma would do that?" or "she's going to scar her child."
pa-leeeease. spare me. it was nothing of the sort.
my judgements were more along the lines of "doesn't she want her body back?"  -  not that it condones the fact that i placed judgement on someones decision that really had no bearing on my life or choices. 

ha! little did i know i'd be here with a 16m old still nursing.
it is another reminder that i don't know what it's like to walk in someone else's shoes.

i never dreamed i'd be here still nursing, but truth is it is what it is and i've accepted it. while i'd be totally ok with bird breaking off, she's clearly not ready. and while i thought that nursing after a year would be annoying and i'd be ready to throw in the towel, it's actually been the opposite. 

i'm not harming her.
she's not harming me.
all and all it still has more positive than any ounce of negative.
i know it sounds crunchy and for some reason crunchy people tend to scare people. (i'll never understand this one since crunchies typically are very gentle, loving people... the mysteries of life i suppose. i digress...).

... but seriously i didn't really mean to become all crunchy. it just felt right and when push comes to shove isn't that what we are supposed to do as moma's? follow our gut? i've just followed my daughter's lead and weening didn't really come with directions (nor should it) and frankly that didn't feel right trying to have a "weening" schedule. i don't offer and i've tinkered with "maybe this will work," but uh, it didn't so this is why i'm ok with going with the flow. (ha, literally i guess).

i know she won't nurse forever.
it's still decreasing, but at a pace i didn't choose.
it's a snuggle close time with moma.
it's extra good nutrition for her.
it's so stinking easy since i don't have to do anything.
there is no pumping and i make what she wants. it's really quite incredible.
and incredibly simple.

it broadens the spectrum of why i love and advocate nursing.


Unknown said…
Don't worry Care! I thought this was "normal". I guess it depends who your audience is. You just keep on keeping on.

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