
bird is 3 days shy of 16m old. 
which means that if i were to be like the majority of people i know of i "should" be 4 weeks pregnant with our second bambino due roughly around the same time is numero uno. i'm happy to report i'm not... especially since i'm not feeling ready across the board; physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. 

with that i'm interested to know what folks think about spacing. 
how do/did you choose? or did fate choose for you? are you happy with your spacing?
i'm well aware that there are different variables for different families.

we know we want more than one kid and frankly, while i would welcome another baby if fate handed us that card, truth is i'm not ready. i see wee ones and while i oooh and ahhh with delight i'm also grateful that's not in my routine right now. sure, like most females, my ovaries ache a little at the thought of holding and snuggling a little guy, but mentally i don't think i could do it with a 16m old. (i guess it's good that i don't have to worry about that since the closest in age our kids could possibly be at this point are 25 months a part haha!)

there are two reasons that started me on this track 
a) i had mastitis about 3 months ago and it was miserable. i caught it early and really only had one bad day where i felt like i was going to die, but none the less i wondered how in the world do moms feel bad while watching a kid... and what about being pregnant with nausea...
i'd like to paint a picture for you; while mister was working and i was coming down with mastitis i locked the door and let stella roam her room while i laid on her bedroom floor with a comforter off and on me. in that hour of time she threw all the shoes out of her closet, knocked the lamp to the floor, and ripped pages out of the Bible. i think you could see how my mind could wonder.

b) recently i keep seeing/hearing more and more pregnancies being very close together. while i send my congratulations i also think 'better them than me' knowing that i would have heart palpitations if it were me. now i don't want this to come off as passing judgement because it's not my family and perhaps a lot of these "number two's" could be surprises. ...and also if in that situation i'd make the best of it and know it would work out because with a positive mindset it always does.

i've come up with some benefits on either scenario.

two years or less-
  • already in "baby mode"
  • potentially "best friends"
  • similar schedules
more than two years-
  • the older can "assist" with the younger more
  • more 1v1 time with each child (one may be in preschool while time spent with other child)
  • only 1 in diapers, bottles, and other wee items
  • some sleep catch up in between
  • easier to explain to an older child you feel like poop because of morning sickness
  • body gets a break
  • cost prep
my sister and i are two years a part and mister and his sis are four years a part. both of us are very close with our siblings and only know what we know. i enjoyed that spacing, but again, it's all i've ever known. i liked the idea of it until i realized how soon i'd have to shoot out another baby.

i know there are also other factors in swaying child spacing:

  • family salary
  • maternal age
  • is there a stay at home parent?
  • was baby number 1 being a good sleeper
  • prior pregnancy and births
  • fertility or miscarriage
so tell me, what do you like or dislike about your family spacing? or what do you want and why? don't worry i'm mostly just curious. i'm not about to get pregnant based on comments since i know every family is different and we have a "plan" of our own unless destiny intervenes.

*my sis and i (ages 2/4 ish)


melanie said…
since i have to base my children's birthdays on my brides wedding dates, i don't have much say. i mean, i could have a summer baby and then lose 50% of my income for that year. ha! this yr we have two december weddings which makes me have to wait another whole year. WHICH I'M TOTALLY OK WITH. i can't even control the hellions i have. d'oh. :) it'll end up being like my sisters and i, if all goes as planned. lol. 2yrs than 3. being nauseated and puking while a 16mth hovers over your head in the toilet. sucks. but just like everything else in our lives, you deal and figure it out. don't have another choice!
T. said…
Love this post! It's like you read my mind. I have friends who were pregnant when I was pregnant who are now pregnant with #2, and while I'm thrilled for them, it's not a club I want to join just yet. (Although, like you said, if #2 came along unexpectedly, I would just say "so much for planning" and be happy.) Andy and I are shooting for 3 years apart. Here are my/our reasons (many are the same as yours):

- I like the idea of Isaac being old enough to really understand that there's a baby Mommy's belly, and it's going to be his little brother or sister.

- Diapers for one, please.

- My body needs recovery time from being pregnant and breastfeeding. I'm not ready for 8 months of nausea and back pain just yet.

- I like that Isaac can be my helper, and I think it's good for him to learn what it takes to care for a baby, too. (You're welcome, future daughter-in-law.)

- If Isaac is three, he can go to preschool a few times a week while I spend one on one time with the new baby.

- My brothers and I are each three years apart, and we enjoyed that. Close enough in age to be close, but far enough apart that our social circles didn't overlap and they had enough experience with things (like driving) to teach me a thing or two.

- Four years apart is a little too much for me ideally because I'm already 33, and I'd like to have two more kids. Plus, I'm already getting a little bit of baby fever, so I personally don't think I want to wait quite that long.

Great post, Caren!

Karianne said…
Ours are 25 months apart. We were actually hoping for them to be a little closer but only because we were trying to plan around baseball season. We had #2 a week before Sean's schedule started getting crazy busy. I've watched other kids for years so I've had lots of experience with taking multiple kids places and in any situation you adjust to however many kiddos are there. Good luck deciding what will work best for you!

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