an evening poem.

in the dark of your room
you didn't want me to put you down.
your cry wailed and your arms reached up saying
"moma, pick me up."

so i did.

in the dark of your room
i held you.
rocking you back and forth,
stroking you hair and patting your back.

then you calmed.

in the dark of your room
i laid next to you.
your forehead touching my cheek,
and your congested little breaths tickling my nose.

and you slept.

in the dark of your room
i was present.
it was just you in my arms and the fan wafting air over us.
i could see our silhouette through the light of the sheer curtains.

in the dark of your room
moma and daughter
simple. serene. silent.
sleeping babe.



Ma Mom said…
You are on you way.

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