the weekend update.

every monday i come into work and our small staff gathers for a few to have our own weekend update 
(not as good as seth meyers of course).

it's very common for me to find myself brainstorming "what in the world did i do this weekend?"

while i always feel like our weekends are full, and i'm simultaneously making less set commitments, i can't remember anything that's share worthy of 'what i did this weekend' ...

and perhaps it's because what we do now is usually drama-free and in-home togetherness (i know, puke. sorry i couldn't think of the right word). and it got me thinking, how did i manage to fill every ounce of time before bird even entered our lives. while i'm sure it wasn't all meaningless errands, it's still mind boggling to me that i was so busy when i didn't have a toddler to chase. 

our time is spent working as a team to manage a home and care for this little gal. it's really forced us into cultivating great time management skills and improved communication. while what we do now might not be as share worthy, it's pretty rad. i wouldn't change a thing. while i still have bouts of stress or anxiety about life's ups and downs, all and all i've never felt so relaxed and content.


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