are we living?

I started writing this the eve before I had the "coffee incident" that I put on fb last week-
this coffee incident happens all the time, no big deal, right?

a little something like this:
I was in line at our local sbux (I know, it's a chain coffee institution...) and was the 6th of 9 people in line. All but one person was on the phone in some capacity - texting, fb, ig, tweeting, vine-ing? god only knows and the list goes on.

No one was making eye contact. No one was even remotely paying attention to their surroundings. eyes on phone and floor to see if the person in front was moving along. I'm guilty too:
I walked in with my wallet and phone in hand. if I hadn't taken the time to notice the 7 other people on their phones I may have joined the "party" and, I don't know, done something really important, like check facebook so I know what my high school buddy is feeding their child for breakfast or a looked through 32 of my coworkers weekend photos or something...

but I didn't.
I watched people not make eye contact instead.
It was saddening, but not surprising.
Are we really living here?

This little CI (coffee incident) is so common and made me think of how overly plugged in we've become. Again, I'm guilty.

It's like we've become so accustomed to know what is going on every moment and feed off of how many damn "likes" we receive on our fb or ig pictures. (Don't lie. you know you check your feed after you post something cute. you know after your kid does something cute you grab the phone in hopes to capture it again. it's ok, I do it too).
But is it ok?
Are we really living?
Are we being present?

Not only are we engulfed in "likes" to make us happy, but we depend on material possessions to give us "happiness", status or self-worth.
I can't guarantee that I'm going to halt right away and take a complete hiatus, but I'm being reflective on what is healthy and what is living for me. I can tell you that I'm going to take more time away and feel okay about it. If I miss a snapshot, life goes on and the world didn't need to know anyway.

That's one example of many here.  And, point being life goes on without our electronics. and to be honest, the less I use my phone or laptop, the more enjoyable life becomes. (Don't get me wrong, technology is great and I like to write and blog and see what is up. ...But do I need to know all the time? Did the 7 other people in line need to know "what's going on" all the time?)

I feel the vast majority has forgotten how to just live.
free of noise, materialism, things, likes...
why do we let our self worth become so dependent upon things and getting things.
the right things?
the cool things?
the in things?
the trendy things?
the expensive things?
things things things things things.
they will consume you.
...Just like consumerism wants. It wants us to keep consuming and tells us we are never full because we never will have enough of the right, cool, in, trendy, expensive things.

The more we focus on things, the more living we lose.
The more things we have, the more we have to lose.

and that's my musings for the week.
your welcome.


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