ok, so i have fever.

yea, yea my "baby" is 19 months old. i was warned that around 18 months you get some sort of fever.
otherwise known as "baby fever."

i think i have a little bit of this said fever.

bird has been increasingly interested in her baby doll and very affectionate. she loves to share food, hug and kiss the baby, lay with the baby...
needless to say it's very sweet to see her with a "baby" and imagine her as a loving sibling.
but this baby isn't real. i should also add that she collapses on the baby, pokes out the baby's eyes, tosses the baby... the list goes on. 

and then i'm quickly thankful that the baby isn't real.

it also may be a little stronger due to the fact that i had a pregnancy dream last night. what is interesting is that in the dream my pregnancy wasn't even going "well" - whatever that means. i was pretty far along and i was really small.

that should be good right, like i wasn't gaining 60 lbs like i did with bird, but no i wasn't excited about this "pregorexia" look mostly because it was my belly that was small. seeming too small to be as far along as i was in this dream. i don't remember much except i liked being pregnant and my OB was in it. nice as ever.
i woke up thinking it was a positive dream even though i remember it feeling like a complex dream.

i'm hoping this fever subsides.
and it usually does when i think about:
how i love my 1v1 time with stella.
how i'm not ready for nausea.
how i'm not ready for up every 2 hours at night.
how i'm not ready to leave two kids to return to work.
let's try potty training before having two in diapers?

so now what?
do people get fever then instantly act on this said fever? 
is this why two year apart birth orders are so popular?

god willing, i'm still planning on sticking to the plan of waiting to meet our son later.


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