reflections on independence.

this isn't a political blog
nor will it be
i write on my musings and this is one of them...
because i care.
about us. the people.

now lately, i feel i'm being labeled as political.
i'd like to set the story straight.
i'm not.
i'm not political.

what i am is passionate.
i'm passionate about freedom.
my freedom. my family's freedom. your freedom.
my passion happens to stem in so called political issues.
and there in lies the problem with this said freedom.

we've been taught we are free, and due to the plethora of distractions and the disinterest in what's really going on, we, the people, the free american, citizens, those of the 'land of the free, home of the brave' are blinded. i was blind too. very.

a recent conversation had someone inquiring about ron paul and the libertarians of the world. libertarians were quickly labeled "anti government" and the conversation dropped into "we need government. we need roads and schools." ok. i'm not disagreeing with the fact that roads are essential and yes, schools too, but two things:
1) libertarians aren't for no government; they are for small governing bodies and free people. 
2) we may need some form of government, fine. but the one we have isn't working so WHY are people so afraid to stand up to change that? 

that is my real, true question and why i am so passionate about going against the system. the current system a) doesn't work (you can see that with productivity we have today. lack of rather), b) is corrupt and most of all c) has been bought out by corporations and the wealthiest 1% or so in the country (or even the world, who knows). 

please excuse me while i vow to never vote for for a mainstream candidate as long as we stay a two party system in this so called democrazy we have here. if you look it's clear that neither do that good of a job. (and that good of one is putting it nicely). and if you look even closer they do very similar things yet we keep hating that other party. bullshit if you ask me. chickenshit, bullshit. it's evident that these people don't have control over the country.
i challenge you.
i challenge you to follow the money.
if you follow the money you will find that the lead bank(ers) and that 1% really run the show and create and make the rules.
well, because they have the money and they want to keep the money. this is the reason we haven't been able to move forward with things like curing cancer, advertising healthy foods (real food), free energy, cars that work on water carburetors that actually clean the air and don't pollute it. these people are in cahoots with the federal reserve, the FDA, Monsanto, oil companies and pharmaceutical companies. hate to break it to you, but you are not in their best interest. keeping you healthy and protecting the environment is not in their best interest either. it's money, manipulation and power.

i won't sit here and write and do all your homework for you, but i challenge you to look into it.
and don't bother looking on the mainstream media...
because, well,
guess who owns and monitors them?
those same people. and they are usually the higher ups from one of the major political parties...
don't think you aren't getting censored material.
keep em dumb. keep em oblivious. keep em distracted.

it's a lot easier to blame and be so called carefree than to really be free right now.
think about it. if we make it someone elses problem or not face any problem or just simply pretend that there is no problem then we can go on living our little lives like happy little people. happy little white, priviledged people  (at least i know most of the folks reading this are...).

sounds crazy. i know, it does. because it's not what we are used to and not the norm.
why are we so afraid of change? it's clear it's needed (see paragraph above about inept political parties doing a job). we are going to run out of money, people. we already run on a debt system and this debt system keeps us in debt. and to be candid: this debt system can't keep going.
crash bam boom.

and i'd advise you to trash the "our government can't be corrupt... they are for the good of this great nation!"
to each their own on that one.
but, when a disaster hits who you going to call? i don't recommend the feds.

i'm not saying i'm not grateful for July 4th, 1776 and for soldiers (i'm married to a vet btw) doing what they are told. i'm just saying our independence day is a little ironic, being each day we are becoming less independent and free. on the hopeful note, i think more people are waking up and in time strength in numbers will overcome.

so friends, i'm not trying to be political. 
i'm actually more happy now than ever before, living a simpler, informed life.
i care and when i care i feel empowered and feel stronger than ever about the need for REAL change. so i'm challenging you again to pay attention and do some homework.

if you care enough you can ask me for some things to watch, links and other stuff deemed BS.
it took my some time to delve in and the more i learn, the more i care. and that is why i share. because again, i am passionate.
about freedom.

and what is so damn wrong with that?


Unknown said…
democrazy = my favorite new term.

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