20 Months and the low down

dear stellaluna,

you are just short of 21 months. it's eery, amazing and wonderful that i have an almost two year old. you continue to amaze me daily. i've stopped paying attention to silly milestones because honestly i don't know what they are at this age, but you seem to be developing just fine in all aspects so there's that.

i stopped counting your words since your vocabulary sky rocketed on vacation. well, let's be honest, i stopped counting before that, but after vacation there was a huge jump! you repeat everything; words you already know, words you don't know. i think it's safe to say you are a talker. when we read books, you now say the objects in the books and know what words you want to hear. it's your own way of reading i suppose and it makes me melt. somehow we've been lucky enough to have you miss all the curse words to repeat. i keep saying, it's only a matter of time bc i have a slight issue with a potty mouth. perhaps it will be your repeating to give me a whack in the tush to stop.

you are straight up toddler. you love to run. you love outside and to run. you love to run away from us when we need to change your diaper. you love to run to the music when your favorite songs are on pandora. you aren't insanely coordinated, but i'm not sure what 21 month old is... you are still really cautious about getting up and down on certain things and finally say "help!" which we've been working on for a while now. this "help" word now is used for putting the puzzle back together and if we don't pick you up or down quick enough when you say "up" or "down".

you love kids. sometimes you need warm up time with them, but not much with kiddos. adults, yea, you like to make the rules with connecting with them. still very much a mama's girl, but always asking about dada and turning into quite the daddio's gal. i've been pushed aside a few times because you only wanted dada to hold or touch you. the two of you are the rough house masters. 

hi lites:
sometimes you'll go up to kids and want to hug them. and when you do, you hug them for a loooooooooong time. if you weren't a kid, it would be deemed weird, but because you are a kid, i deem it insanely adorable.

you've started to fuss a lot when i leave or have a hard time when i'm not there when you wake up. i know it's temporary/a stage/whatever... but i hate it. i hate knowing you want me there for whatever reason and i have to leave. never fret kid, you are always in good hands. that i know. you also are starting to give me tude. i think you give me tantrums and tude more than anyone. it's a little irritating, but a friend reminded me that most kids (ourselves included) act out more for their parents. a helpful reminder.

showing some interest in potty? maybe? i'm not really prepared for potty training, but this might be the beginning. you love to sit on the potty (lid closed) have a strange obsession with going in the bathroom and saying "bye bye." other clues you are going to the bathroom: say "poo poo" ask for your diaper off and/or run away behind a door, a corner or bathroom and say "bye bye" like you want your privacy. more often then not you end up with a dump in your pants. i've been asking if you want to go poo on the potty, but always get a firm no. we got some potty seats last week so who knows where this will take us. maybe no where? who knows...

you are very deliberate. grammie terrie told me you went to grammie lori's and sorted every toothpick and nail with grammie lori. 

you are easily agitated when things don't "fit" or work. (your welcome for that trait and the lack of patience i passed on when things don't come easy). it's a constant reminder for me to be patient with you and work on this for myself as well. it sometimes makes me uneasy to see you agitated at something so minor, but i'm sure it's on a laundry list of things like that to come.

last month you loved to kiss everyone on the lips. a lot. recently you are less into kisses for humans but okay with hugs. when it comes to stuffed animals, dolls and pictures in books, they are still lucky enough to receive your kisses. you are affectionate with your stuffed animals and are very fond of tigger and pooh. i think it's safe to say they are your favorites. i have to admit, sometimes i wish you'd just like a brown bear or a cute zebra, but winnie and tigger have won your heart. while you still like the pink fox and random dolls, favorites are favorites. your dada and i try pretty hard to keep our house from becoming toon-ville and intend to keep it a low profile when it comes to characters.

favorite books include: green eggs and ham, if you give a mouse a cookie, the hungry caterpillar and some old favorites. still enjoy mumford and sons, patty griffin and the lumineers the best. you like the "ho/hey song and to sing along! starting to try to sing. still hate and uncontrollably cry when happy birthday is sung in a group. if just by one you tell us "no". 

darn it stella, every time i sit to write a letter, i say it won't be long this time. then i scroll up...
and i realize that since i've made an effort to not snap every moment on my phone, i have less pictures to choose from. sorry about that. 

every day i'm in awe over the little things you accomplish. it may be the norm, but it excites and entertains me none the less. there's something about watching that little brain work and the wheels turn.

i love you, baby. you are my joy, my red headed wonder.


Aunt Sandy said…
lots of love written above.
Ma Mom said…
You say long, but soooo many changes. I truly see her brain working and growing.What a lover of (out)side, word collecting, affectionate, happy and smiley, and expressing more and more of her likes and dislikes. Hence favorites formed.

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