a good morning.

today is just good.
i made no real plans.

it went something like this

wake up after some good sleep. finally.
morning playfulness.
i let bird watch 30 minutes of thomas the train while i got myself together (what a treat!)
headed out to a coffee shop.
     split a morning glory muffin and banana and i had such a yummy coffee beverage.
     walked to the park; swinging, playing, running, sliding, tree hugging occurred.
bird had some quiet alone time play.
emptied the dishwasher & watered the plants together.
moma and bird read her letter cards and some books.
snuggled on the rocker for 10 minutes into napland.

it's nothing spectacular and i know every day can't be like this, but it's made me a happy human today.

only thing missing is daddy.


Karianne said…
Sounds like a pretty perfect mother/daughter day!
Unknown said…
This day sounds incredible!
Aunt Sandy said…

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