a little on loss

I've been truly blessed to have had all my grandparents for 30 years of my life.
Today my first grandparent shed his body and entered into the next phase of his spiritual life. While I know he's so very at peace and I'm so happy for him that he's experiencing the bliss of afterlife I'll still miss him.
My dad, my grandma and uncle were there to send him off to new life and comfort him during his last earthly breaths. It sounded like it was peaceful transfer and that is what he wanted. He was able to die at home, in bed surrounded by some loved ones. Grandpa told me a number of times "Caren, ah, it's hell to get old." as he talked through his frustrations of his declining health.
For the last year and half he's been up and down with some major health issues, so I've had time to mentally prepare for the day I would "lose" him. But, no matter how much I prepare for the inevitable, it still hurts. I still cried (I might not be done) and I'll still miss him.
I think it's safe to say I was the closest grandchild to grandpa. Not in a conceited sort of way, but we had a certain unspoken bond. I could always see a smirk on his face when he'd notice I wouldn't take any crap from anyone. He picked me up from high school countless times and he'd tell my dad I reminded him of his mother, walking out of the school building with confidence and my head up. (I forget the Italian word he used for it). The two of us (sometimes three of us, if grandma joined) would ride a few miles chatting about nothing and listening to the classics or showtunes on the radio station.
There's something that hurts about it being official.
The fact that he won't physically be in his house anymore or the fact that I won't be kissing his bald head anymore... or hearing him over emphasize my name in Italian "Care-eeeeen-aaah" ...
What's comforting is that memories hold strong and the stories my dad tells about Grandpa's temper and his candid comments always have me falling off my chair. The memories don't die and the spirit doesn't die. I know, right now, he's aware that I'm writing this and knows my thoughts. I know I can call on him whenever I want without dialing a number. It's just up to me to listen a little more clearly...
I'm so happy for you Grandpa. I'm so happy that you aren't in pain and that you are wherever you want to be. I'm so happy that you'll always be with me, but I'm going to miss you. You've been a rock solid guy and grandpa, lived a life of sacrifice for your family and for the 30 years I've been with you, I watched you mellow out through the years.
I love you, Gramps

a song that makes me think of you...


Beth said…
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope the memories will be a comfort in this time.
Ma Mom said…
Pop was one sweet guy. Caren, you have been blessed with grandparents as was I. Families are so precious and it has been a privilege to have pop as my second dad. I learned a lot from watching him accept declining health. I will learn a lot from him in his part two.
Love you Pop

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