long time no...

long time no anything on here, right?!

I skipped her second birthday party, sue me.
I skipped Christmas, lock me up.
I skipped her first snow, tisk tisk.
I skipped over a reflection about my grandma passing away.
I skipped past sharing my thoughts on my growing business.
I skipped whatever else happens when you aren't blogging, deem me a poor blogger...

There have been many occasions where I find myself wanting to write, but it's more frustrating to not be able to sit and finish. I've come to terms with the hiatus of this blog though as the main focus for the blog is for me (and my family), but right now other things have taken priority. We've had some transition with bird's sleeping patterns and the sewing business has really taken off. I used to blog when she slept and that was replaced by sewing. I used to sew when she slept, but that's been replaced by a later bed time for bird and taking turns laying down with her...until she drifts off to sleep!
We are managing the transition, but it's not allowing for any increase in "me" time. So as I sit here now I know that I will just have to realign when I do my sewing and fit blogging in as it fits. ...and if it fits.

I hope to come back to it more regularly when it doesn't feel like a chore.
I've realized a few other things that are helping me find my balance in blogging and hobbying in general:
1. I've stopped following 99% of personal blogs. They weren't adding anything to my life except mama guilt and time on the computer/phone. Soooo, see ya. I enjoy reflections on parenting and life, but the majority of what I was looking at were people's coordinated lives displayed in an ever so trendy way and I found it irritating. Why am I following people's lives weekly (or monthly?) when I don't even know them? I know there's been articles written about this sort of thing, but I have to do what's right for me. Inspiration VS Envy is my own personal battle. Please note, these people aren't doing anything wrong, but I'm trying to focus on the have's not the have not's in my life.
2. My blog isn't revenue generating and Sewing is. While they both are creative outlets for me, bringing in some extra funds for my family takes the cake and I'm enjoying this journey very much!
3. I don't have a blog people follow my every move and vicariously live through me  (at least I don't think so) ... so if I take some months off, it's ok. I hate "missing" things (ahem, like stella's bday party etc), but in reality I didn't miss anything because I was physically there, but not documenting them as I'd like to.

4. There have been a few items I want to reflect and share on, but haven't. It's two-fold: 1) I know some people read this and I'm ok with being an open book, buuuuut I can't pick and choose who I want feedback from for each entry. 2) when I write in a blatantly honest fashion (which is what I prefer), I tend to offend someone. It's always someone. I've been really working hard at trying not to accidentally offend people. BUT, in the process it's kept me quiet across the board. I'm not sure if this tactic is working since the things that make us uncomfortable or defensive are the things we likely need to look further into and explore (myself included). I'm not really looking to indoctrinate anyone, but more or less share in hopes of creating a conversation. And that, friends, is what I look for in any reflection; "Can I relate to this?" "Does this challenge me?" "What are your thoughts on this?" And that's what I miss writing about too.

5. I work outside the home 4 days a week. When I'm not working, I want to spend time with my bird and family in general. I refuse to get a sitter for anything additional to yoga or sewing, leaving me with this falling on the priority chain.

6. I'm eventually going to undergo another name change. I like LRBS, but it's for my business. I originally was going to intertwine the two, but I think a simple link would be more useful than my business on my blog.

So mister blog-pants, I'd like you to stick around, but you have to be okay with being #32 or whatever you end up with on the priority list.

Sheeeeeeeeeeeew I made it through a blog. I didn't know it was possible anymore. (Can you tell it wasn't my night to lay with Stella ha?!



Ma Mom said…
Your blog, or not. Your life to record openly or not.
I am finding less social media is healthy, but I find it addicting too.

But I don't understand your number 6.
Anonymous said…
I stopped reading strangers personal blogs. I find it funny to when you can tell who others also follow bc they jack their material and style. Whatevs. Internet is funny. I'd be lying if I don't check in wkly here to make sure I didn't miss something. :0 blogging is hard. Being an open book is harder. Can't wait to see lrbs grow!! Clap clap.
Caren said…
ma mom, it's changing the blog name again bc I don't want this to be a business blog like I initially thought.
mel, funny you check the page to see if missing anything. I started posts then couldn't finish and it felt to old or had missed the vibe I was feeling. I agree on jacking style... feels less genuine too so another reason I stay away. social media is neat. love/hate relationship.
Taggart57 said…
Odd. What's "Pinterest?" Mostly kidding, you realize. I considered myself a great mother until I had a child. You, conversely, have ALWAYS been a great mom-- long before you penned your birth plan. While true, "Do what you love, and the rest will folow..." It's not always practical, nor does it get bills paid. I've kept a journal since I was old enough to write in cursive. What's "cool"is that I've gotten the chance to now share that with my 6 year old-- while not high tech, and (god willing)they will never go "viral" it's a calming connection to my past, and to her future. One doesn't need a hashtag or a random comment from a more random stranger to know they are doing it right.

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