two and one half

I accidentally deleted all my notes on what you were up to in the last couple months.
damn icloud on the damn iphone.
I love technology, but leave it to me to figure out a way to botch it up. #annoyed

if you care to read how my 2.5 year old is probably very similar to other 2.5 year olds, then read on...

oh my dear, here's another update. maybe you'll care someday ha?!

overall, you just seem so grown up; looks, speech and activity. i know, 2.5 it's not that old, but seriously it's like developmentally something happened and you became a more independent little being. 

Stella Says:
"there. that's better." you say proudly after turning up the music or doing something you deem improved!
"good job singing, stella!" as you run in the room to tell me you've congratulated yourself on your singing or "good painting, stella luna!"
"gramma gave me that." or "dalia gave it to me." when referring to one of your toys. You like to reference where it came from: "From gramma lori's house"
i've mentioned a gazillion times that you aren't patient, that doesn't come in handy now that you are "stella do it" stage for everything!! you'll yell from the other room "it's not wooooorkin!!" if you can't get your shoe on correctly etc. then you go into encouraging yourself "you can do it! you can do it!!" or "try it again"

then you tell us what we say:
"eat this first honey." when i tell you to eat your red pepper before your fruit or something. or "take your time" you remind yourself when climbing something. or "watch yourself."
damn it, apparently i sound paranoid. cool.
when we eat it's always "is it good, dada?" or you ask yourself  "mmmmm. is it good, stella luna?" (yes you refer to yourself as stella luna now bc i call you that! BUT you started saying "I" sometimes. last week I heard "I am awake!"

You are very interested in connecting things. Your brain is piecing things together figuring out how the world works. You'll put something under your nose and say "just like pawpaw" meaning paw paw has a mustache under his nose. you'll put a carrot on your nose and say "just like frosty!" and of course anything long and flowing means "just like a princess!" my favorite will always be you pointing at the amish woman in hocking hills proclaiming "she's a princess!" 

you rec'd a handmedown pair of Josie's shoes and they are forever "Josie's shoes" and every time you eat a whole large carrot it's known as a "Josie carrot" bc one night she ate 3 whole carrots and it makes you eat them more knowing they are "Josie carrots"

right now you don't eat dinner. I offer you what we are eating and you'll bite a few things, but unless it's a fav (pasta/sauce or maybe a burger and mac, salad with a good dressing...) you don't eat it. so then if you are hungry later you ask for chips and I say your choices are hummus and red pepper, carrots, apples, oranges or maybe crackers. 
I just say if you are hungry enough you will eat dinner offered or the healthy options after. it stinks tho bc I'm not trying to barricade off bad food or dessert, but trying to emphasize that dinner comes prior to snacks and dessert. your stubborn little mind doesn't always get it either.

I love hearing you sing the songs from Frozen! Sometimes I find you knocking on the door saying "do you want to build a snowman" and then i'll overhear you saying lots of lyrics of all different kinds of music. it's so funny, little people minds.

you have become a helper (when you choose), but I'm pleased bc I wasn't sure it would happen. you like to get your bib before eating and put it away with your dishes. you "make" your bed. you now help clean up a little too and even know the songs. (thanks facebook for the tips). you don't have any interest in cooking. I offer for you to try little things to help me but I suppose you are too young? or maybe just don't care to cook.

you know where your puzzle pieces go and give them to me to put together bc you have the patience as large as a pushpin so it's all "mommeeee do it"
you enjoy reading your own books and actually read them or at least pages bc you know some of them so well. current favs:
Flo and Wendell
Curious George and the Dump Truck (all curious George)
Inside Outside Upside Down (Berenstein Bears)
Mouse Paint (making a come back)
Polite as a Princess (Damn it).
Otto goes to bed
Monster Munchies
I am a Bunny

You went through a stage where making letters out of your blocks was the coolest thing ever.  you'll drag in the bag of blocks and say "make ABCDEFG" and then it's all "make a T" "make an E" "make an S" "make an F" those are the current favorite letters. I think you know some of them:
S, T, E, F, H, X, O, A, J, L, K... those are the ones you get right most of the time. You know that S T E L L A spells Stella! You can count to about 22, but you go from 18 to 22 a lot. Overall you can get there pretty darn good! 

You like to hug your "guys"
aka you grab a group of stuffed animals and say "guys! guys!" emphatically.
more recently, you've been making daddy and I hug with you in the middle and you put your arms around us and say "guys". I'm glad you consider daddy and I one of your guys haha. it's nice to know we made the cut.

you are showing more of an interest in sporting balls. you prefer to be more of a referee than play tho "throw it to momeee" "kick to pakick" - or perhaps the coach. you love to rough house and enjoy the "tickle monster" aka daddy's hand.

I guess I've done an ok job remembering some of what's been going on........

In the car when we are in the driveway and we haven't left yet you say "other way" meaning pull out of the driveway already... or if we are at a red light "other way" says the voice in the backseat. I yi yi.. what are you going to do on the car on vacation? so you are the epitome of NOT patient. 

you are suddenly not scared of the street and have been not afraid to run towards the street which is completely uncool. you love to explore anything outdoors, but most often take whomever's hand and say "park" and start walking in that direction. we have a tiny little park at the end of our street which is so handy, but you don't understand why we can't go sometimes ie: mud from the rain.

even though you are rowdy a lot of the time, you still have a very affectionate side. you love to give people hugs. you often will run from adult to adult giving hugs. once you are warmed up you are all in people's space and love the attention. as a 2.5 year old you don't exactly understand the need for personal space.

out to eat is trying most times. sitting still isn't a strong suit so we don't do it often or only after you've run around for an extended amount of time. people can judge me for not doing it, but i don't give you my phone during dinners out. i can't get myself to start that habit.

a lot of the time, you suck at it.
but with that i do enjoy the snuggles and try to focus on the fact that it's temporary. 

kid, i'm not sure if i'll go back and reference these notes when you are an oldie, but perhaps sometime we will have a good laugh about the silly things you do and say. and i hope they help paint a picture for my bad memory. 

as a 2.5 year old your personality shines more every day and i find that so exciting. i know you know i love you so i won't get all mushy here. i tell you daily. it's my job. hopefully i'm living up to the job description!

love you luna-lou. mommmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Auntie Sandy said…
Terrific! And glad she is enjoying I am a Bunny from Auntie Sandy and Uncle Jeff (-:

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