little mister.

if you've seen me in the past 3 weeks you probably could have guessed i'm growing a human since i popped the moment the pee hit the stick.

so it's only like, i think 9-10ish weeks (i keep losing track already) and already this pregnancy has been different from day one. i pretty much just told people when i saw them after like 8 weeks so finally getting to make it all official and yadda. i would have texted or emailed friends more, but honestly looking at my iphone or computer made me ill. so when i didn't have to do anything i didn't.

as much as i know every pregnancy is different and kept thinking i got this, i know what to expect because i've been down that road. well, yes. but, false. with stella i knew so early, there was no question i had symptoms at 4 weeks and i pretty much knew at conception. this guy, not really much going on early on, but i missed my period around when it was supposed to come so it was a morning pee win for the + sign. nifty! 

i was sorta like ok cool, where's my constipation? my heart burn? my painful boobs? then i was like, well maybe this baby is so cool and it's going to be amazing for ever. 

false. then it hit- week 6 on the dot. i woke up sea sick. pretty much all day. every day. no puking, just feeling nausea this nausea was much more intense than stella. it was so much more intense coupled with the fact that my uterus popped at 7 weeks and i was well into maternity clothes by 8 weeks that the first thing i asked at my appointment with Bowen was to check to see if there were twins playing mean tricks on their moma.

sorry to disappoint, but it's just one baby. one baby that makes me very ill and in my head i called him Lil A-Hole bc I couldn't think of anything nice to say/think. luckily, these symptoms of naus are diminishing and i stopped the Lil A-Hole talk.  naus is still there, but a lot more mild and something i think i can power through until Tri 1 comes to a close (at least one can hope it ends then, right?!)

now i'm on to the full on fatigue which i remember as well. the only thing different is that there is a toddler here. so when i need a nap or to go to bed early when john works late it can't happen like prior. i become exhausted every day by 2pm. i can usually make it until around 3pm, but my eyes practically shut and i start feeling sick if i don't nap. so i pray that stella is still sleeping when i come home from work and politely ask whomever taking care of her for the day if they can stay a hair longer if she's awake. i'm blessed that it usually works out.

going to bed early is tough, but i'm trying to get the toddler in the house to go down earlier so i can have a breath of air and then go down myself. i tend to feel worst in the evenings (dinner time usually the heaviest gagging) and into the evening. 

Bowen (and a lot of other people) told me that it's common to feel heavier symptoms when you already have a kid. i thought of that, but seriously when i was like 8 weeks looking like i was 16 weeks i had myself convinced there must be double the hormones in there.  

other symptoms that i align with pregnancy #1 (but came on earlier) are: smells that make me gag, atrocious breath (like wakes me up at night), heart burn, eating all day (helps naus), and food aversions. i'm beginning to expand back my tastes a little bit lately, but don't want to count my chickens. i like italian, certain salads, brueggers bagel sandwiches, and doing okay with beef. chicken, pork are meh. oranges have tasted amazing and cereal is still a win. loving cheese (like always) and milk is on the rise. i've taken up ginger ale and gingersnaps, but thankful it doesn't feel like i have to survive on them any more. and eggs are starting to sound good too which is cool because getting protein and paying attention to that crap when you feel like hot garbage on a city street isn't exactly your favorite past time.

i have a whole new appreciation for women who have kids closer together and single pregnant mothers. although i will admit i will make the assumption that they didn't get sick the first time around if they actually planned that. if it was planned - holy crap 5 GOLD STARS. i can deal with fatigue with naps and an a tv show for stella, but i can't imagine the naus with younger little people around. but then again, i could be a wimp. and in reality i know, you power through because you have to, but good lord that would be in intense so again: 5 gold ones for you.

i'm trying to change my attitude a little bit. everything was more exciting the first time around and when you can take better care of yourself because there isn't a little person around then it makes sense the pregnancy was easier. i'm not having a bad pregnancy, just enjoying it less. i am dreaming up enjoying the second trimester though so hopefully that comes to fruition. 

i'm (we are all) thrilled to grow the family and be able to give stella a sibling (i hope she likes him when he arrives. god knows her world will be rocked). so to baby mode we go! and i'm thanking myself for all the tomboy clothes i got for #1!


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