to my darling 3 y.o.

you are a good little girl and i'm so proud of you!
such a huge change from age 2 to 3. it's pretty amazing.

i love that you are growing up and becoming more independent. and again, i don't want time to stop and you to be young forever. where'd the growth for all of us be in that?

everyday you are learning, listening and helping more.
*directions in the kitchen
*putting things away more
*helping pick out groceries
*wanting to sit in a regular chair moreso than a booster.

though your cooperation has increased, so has your cognition and understanding of human ways... you are also more difficult for me. those 2 year old tantrums are nothing compared to your aggravation now if something isn't "right". sometimes i just don't know what to do or how to explain certain things and the only thing, as painful as it is is to ignore you when you get like this. then finally you come downstairs weepy eyed and want a hug and say "mommy wipe my eyyyyyyyyyes".

The Potty.
we did it!
some time in october you saw underpants and wanted to wear them one day. so on they went and i just kept asking you over and over again if you had to go potty. since you decided yourself i wasn't going back this time. i did the start/stop potty training 2x already and it was harder, this time it was more your idea so it wasn't as terrible. the first week was tough and had the most accidents, but by george, we are on our way... still packing an extra outfit, but most the time we don't need it! i'm laughing at myself now on trying to force the issue last time.

Speech and Understanding.
you are just funny. pretty much all parents think this so i'm sure it's no different, but i crack up with your quotes and little imagination. i wish i could actually be better at writing them down. i love the older you get how more engaging you are as a little person. and you can throw anyone under the bus now as you answer questions about your day with ease.

"i'm going to wear these shoes and be a mommy" - in regard to high heels.
"i'm a gramma" - in regard to wearing funny glasses.
 and if i say something hurts, you are quick to kiss that spot to "make it better"

your Memory is impeccable and don't miss a thing. Ever!
i said "God Damn it" (i swear, it slipped out) when you shit your pants and then you repeated it... #momfail. BUT you also started to say "I love you" with your arms around me and want to hug me (or daddy etc). i have to admit, i love it. a lot. you still like to pretend play "baby jesus" haha. this entails you being baby jesus in the manger, daddy being joseph and i'm 'mother mary' and you wimper like a baby and like to be wrapped in swaddling clothes and sometimes the 3 kings come. again and again. and again. those 3 kings sometimes bring all the toys in the house to baby jesus!

child, you have a love for Nursery Rhymes and know them ALL. grandma lori was certainly pleased and impressed! you love to sing the rhymes, the ABC's and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Baa Baa Black Sheet. sometimes when you are lazy or feeling goofy you just mumble the words in piglatin, but it's the same tune. the apple sure doesn't fall far, does it?

your play with playpeople and ballerina play is so interesting to listen to... you actually have conversations with the people now. you play with your toys, but aren't afraid to create new things with them other than their purpose. which, i think, is the beauty of not having an overload of toys. i love your imagination and hope this just grows. it's so interesting to see how you correlate items and concepts.

I've given in... dresses aren't poison so leggings and cuteness is abound. for a long while and still going, all you would ask for is a dress so we got some dresses and that's what you like. on occasion you let me dress you how i think is fun, but it depends on what mood i get for that day or morning!

a lot of mornings you get up say "it's day time" to daddy and me and then go find a book of choice to read in the hallway where's there is sunlight. sometimes i'll come downstairs after waking and find you there reading or playing with your things quietly. you really are a good little girl and i often don't give you enough credit.

Books of Choice:
*Treasury for 1 year old Nursery Rhymes
*Poem books
*Go Dog Go (made a come back)
*Ruthie and the (not so) teeny tiny lie

(I just rearranged all your books so you are pulling out new favorites bc they were hiding before).

*always at a park.
*eating lunch with momma and going to coffee shops.
*really starting to talk to kids without reservation more. library, park, book store or play dates.
*excitement of grandparents coming over never gets old
*papaw takes you to the library (and hobby lobby a lot) every week
*tossing ball or wrestling some sort with dada
*snuggling with momma and dada on weekends

let's say you are so-so. if we are somewhere else you are better, but if someone is in your space at home it's all "those are mine" and i want whatever that little person has for the sake just that he/she has it. neat.

and that's year 2-3 putting it briefly.
happy number 3 my sweet girl! <3


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