my baby, the non-baby.

in a few short hours/days/weeks, you won't be my baby, but you'll always be my baby.
i'm actually so excited to see you with a sibling and what a gift you'll be to this child!

i love watching you hit milestone-esque things lately. i'm sure knowing i'll have a little newt here in no time (that pretty much is completely dependent on me) makes you seem even older, but i'm so proud of you. i've tried my best to give you lots and lots of pep talks about being a big sister, having a new baby around and of course letting you know that even when the baby comes out i still love you and we all love you even if we love another little person here too.

you are nearing 3.5 and it's so fun to see you in "pre-school" and, shocker, beating to your own drum. i, at least, *think, you listen to your teacher haha! you love school though and talk about miss lenora all the time!

you are making progress in your vision therapy, but ever since we got your new set of exercises your sticker and reward chart has lost it's luster. i know they must be harder for you, but when you do choose to concentrate you really do well. it's been really tough for me lately bc i'm uncomfortable and tired so my patience is exponentially lower. the last week every night has been a battle for these. some people think the baby coming might be a reason you are a little defiant with that so right now, i'm not going to push until we get back in a rhythm.

i can tell more and more you understand the "why" we do and don't do things. it's nice being able to explain things. you decided to flex your creative muscles on the baby room white toy box and instead of yelling at you, i took your hand and we had a talk about what i found. i asked who drew the black crayon the furniture and you proudly admitted it was you. i told you i'm not mad because i didn't tell you you can't do that, but explained we only draw on paper and never draw on walls or furniture. you seemed to get it even though the reply was "oh" ha. but i did leave you unattended in a room with white furniture and crayons so partly shame on me. point being you seem to understand you can't draw on things like that.

we took some potty steps backwards with practically forcing you to go when you'd pretend you wouldn't have to... and then going in our pants with both pee and poo bc you didn't want to be interrupted. BUT now you are back onto getting yourself back on there and working on pulling up your pants yourself. you don't like things that don't come easy and for whatever reason pulling up your underwear and leggings or whatever is hard and frustrating. i've been pep talking you that you need to learn that to go to "josie's school" after summer. perhaps that's the the turn around with you parking your booty on the pot yourself lately too! thank god, bc battling you to get on there with 40+ extra lbs on my bladder hasn't been easy.

we now have a no napper. there've been occasions where you accidentally fall asleep (crap), but having quiet time with a show or reading or whatever with your paci has been so nice with bedtime. your daddy has been working late more than 2 nights a with the new business so you going down between 8 and 830 has been helpful for me (and this belly). that rhythm might all change soon too, but getting you in the tub at 7pm and at least ready early has it's benefits. i wasn't sure about giving up the naps, but with a quiet time in place it's well worth the early bed time and you come snuggle with us for 30-60 minutes around 7-730am and that's fine by me.

my non-baby, you've taken on such a mother hen role with your "baby Ana" doll. you are all about doing the care giver role and even though it's make believe you are a great helper!

you know your world is about to be rocked, but i hope it's short lived and you realize how cool this will be. you are a sensitive one so this might be hard at first. you came home from vision therapy in tears the other day and cried to daddy saying "something was making me cry" sobbing and wanting hugs. at least hugs really seem to work when you are uneasy with something. and even when you are having an anger tantrum, you usually come around for hugs after your tears.

i look at you now and realize how much i love you and how lucky i am to have such a lover and cuddle-er. having another kid on the way or practically here makes me see how much you've grown and how fast this goes. cliche-ville and crap, but true.

so to my birdie, new baby or not, you'll always be my baby.


Ma Mom said…
You are both my babies in one way or another. It is beautiful to see you as mommy nurturer and Stella baby as the growing up beautiful girl she treasures.
Auntie Sandy said…
Awww...this post makes me cry! đź’•Thanks for the update on your little ones.

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